Thursday, December 31, 2009

Nostalgic Memories And Obsessions

Christmas is over. I was hoping for a white Christmas, but I didn’t get that, did I? I did get a couple of gifts. I got a sweater and two shirts from Aeropostale, mittens from Hollister Co., A perfume set (some Paris Hilton perfume. Probably some message from one of my friends saying that I’m like Paris Hilton.) and new Converse, Chuck Taylors, whatever you call them. Apparently I’ve been bad since I also got a picture of coal. I wonder who went bothered to take a picture of coal and give it to me. Probably Jubilee or Hanna.

Speaking of Aeropostale, I went there two days ago with my cousin, Bella. (not Swan) While I was looking at a ninety dollar sweater. (can’t say it was a rip-off, it looked like it is worth ninety.) and then two boys walk in. One with crutches and another with pink skinny jeans. (not awkward.) The one with the pink skinnies looked so familiar, yet I don’t know where I saw him before. He seemed like he knew me, too, because he (almost) talked to me. By almost I mean, he came over to me, but my cousin pulled me away. He was cute, but so familiar. Where, oh, where did I see him before?

Luke, my neighbor/friend/skateboarder, is very complicated. (yes, he’s the only I dubbed as “skaterdude”.) He forgot what year it will be next year. I saw him with those glasses that say the year on it, but it said 2008. He’s sort of two years late. He thinks skating in the street is safe, well, all of the skateboarders think that. I could’ve sworn he fell in the street and then a car was passing by and he crawled away. Damn, I should’ve taken a video! He likes dipping his wavy potato chips in condensed milk, the really sweet on, and eating it. Well, it tastes sort of good, so I can’t complain. If you put that all aside, Luke’s pretty awesome. Sort of. He has family problems and I should be talking about them, so I won’t, but he manages to stay happy.

I think I might be mad at Natalie. Ever since she hooked up with Alex (again. God, how many times is that?) she began treating her friends as if they were not as important as Alex. Sure, Alex is her boyfriend, but she began ignoring her friends completely. On the last day of school before break, she didn’t sit with us during lunch, she sat with Alex. When all her friends are on AIM, she only talks to Alex.

So, aside from all the drama, a new year is approaching. I saw the commercial for the Dick Clark’s New Year’s Celebration. Apparently, Justin Bieber’s coming. And I’m supposed to go to Times Square to see the ball drop. Justin Bieber’s really going to be there. So if I go, will I see Justin Bieber? God, if Justin Bieber’s going to be there, Briana’s going to be there, definitely. She is the “I Love Justin Bieber” queen. There are so many pictures of him on her binder. There are, like, ten posters of him in her room. She’s crazy. He’s cute and all, but girls in my school shouldn’t obsess about him so much. Another teen icon in our school: Taylor Lautner. Girls love him but they don’t obsess about him as much as do about Justin. I have theory about that. The reason why girls in the pre-teen, teen age obsess about him so much is because fifteen (right?) and they could see Justin Bieber as their boyfriend, but not Taylor because he’s like, eighteen. (guessing.) I can’t see any famous person as my boyfriend, I can imagine some boy next door who I have a lot in common with.

Feeling: Bittersweet
Listening To: We The Kings – Heaven Can Wait


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Paris Hilton Gets Married in Las Vegas

It’s been awhile since the ditzy, aging socialite Paris Hilton has been in the news.   Over the weekend, however, Hilton reportedly got hitched in Las Vegas at the iconic Little Church of the West wedding chapel. 

Just don’t get all excited- it was all staged for publicity during a mock wedding.  The faux groom was Piers Morgan, from “Britain’s Got Talent.”

Hilton — and her revolting rat-looking dog — were dressed in white for the occasion. And there were plenty of witnesses- all dressed as Elvis and Marilyn Monroe.

The wedding will air Jan. 2 on VH1’s “Piers Morgan” show.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jessica Simpson Designs For Charity

This Saturday Jessica is helping raise money for The Art Institute in Fort Lauderdale during their Synergy Art and Music Festival. Jessica, along with Gloria Estefan, Venus Williams, Jeff Conine and Paris Hilton designed and decorated different articles of clothing that will be auctioned off, with all proceeds going towards the school’s scholarship program. The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale’s dedicated faculty understands what you need to succeed since they are industry professionals. You’ll find fast-paced insight from leading members of the professional community, classes sized to ensure that you get individual attention, and lots of hands-on experience to refine your skills. From Admissions to Financial Aid to Student Affairs and Career Services, The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale’s knowledgeable staff is ready to support and encourage you toward one common goal – a portfolio and resume that qualifies you for employment opportunities.

Very few however arrive in Music City with as much baggage as Jessica Simpson.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dynamite in Your Pocket

Thinking about cheating on your spouse or significant other?

Contemplating the crime of the century (or maybe just murdering that asshole with the barking dog next door)?

Planning to turn a quick buck in the dope market?

Got a great idea for a new product?

Meeting face-to-face to discuss intimate matters or a criminal conspiracy?

Rule #1: Do not possess, use, or be in the same room with a cell phone. In fact, if you’re planning to commit any of the malfeasances listed above, you don’t even want to own a cell phone that you leave at home.

Tiger would text Mindy Lawton when his need for sex was "urgent"

Remember Tiger Woods, that golfer who made about a billion dollars a year off an occasional good round of golf and some great product endorsement deals? Down the shitter because he left a trail of cell phone voice mail and text messages Inspector Clouseau could have deciphered.

How about Paris Hilton, whose hacked cell phone revealed contact information for Eminem, Vin Diesel, Lindsay Lohan, Christina Aguilera, Ashlee Simpson, Andy Roddick and Anna Kourikova? Because Paris is a Hollywood idiot, she and every one of the aforementioned Hollywood idiots had to change their e-mail addresses, cell phone numbers and, who knows, even move because it’s damned tough to change your street address if you stay in the same house.

Paris' password was 'Tinkerbell'

And these are the ones that, although pathetic, are a bit funny.

Good data are not available but most law enforcement people will tell you that cell phones, not fingerprints, gun casings, or DNA, are the best source of leads in the police business. Yes, the other forensic evidence becomes more important at trial but, when it comes to rounding up likely suspects, nothing works quite as well as a cell phone.

Consider these:

The cops were happy to return Tony Ramirez' cell phone

Criminal mastermind Anthony Ramirez robs a house and leaves his cell phone behind. He calls his own cell phone number to see if maybe someone has found it. A cop answers Anthony’s phone and says, “Sure thing, Tony. Is there a reward? Great! Meet me at the Circle K in twenty minutes.” Turns out Tony’s also looking at a murder rap.

B&E man, Dan Kincaid is nailed when he sends his girlfriend a string of text messages asking her how to get out of a neighborhood he’s been working without being spotted by the cops.

Mikhail Mallayev shoots a man one morning in Queens. Mikhail is smart enough to turn his cell off during the morning, but when questioned by New York’s finest, his story simply doesn’t match his afternoon cell phone records.

Darnell Watson kills a man on the street in Atlanta, and then uses the victim’s cell phone to call his girlfriend from the crime scene for a ride home.

An Ontario CA cop faces permanent suspension for sending sexually explicit text messages over his department-issued cell phone.

Yeah, I know, none of these scenarios apply to you.

But, if you think conversations you have over your cell phone, even if you have “encryption,” are secure you are naïve. Some cell phone designs and encryption schemes are pretty good (today) but things are changing so quickly that you must assume that anyone might be able to eavesdrop at any time. For all cell phone conversation, for all e-mails, for all electronic communications (like e-mails), the best rule is to apply what my friend Jack calls The Washington Post test: if you’d be humiliated or arrested when something you communicated electronically winds up on the front page of The Washington Post—don’t do it!

It’s getting even worse. With some cell phone models, hackers (or a law enforcement agency, maybe with a warrant, maybe not) can download eavesdropping software to your cell phone over the network. They don’t need access to the phone itself at all. In these cases, the cell phone can act as a room microphone, broadcasting everything that’s said even when the phone is not in use. In fact, there are a few models of cell phones where this room microphone feature will work when the phone is turned OFF!

As Richard Nixon used to ruminate, even paranoids have real enemies.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

The End of the Age of Oil

Am I one of the last people to get around to watching that Al Gore film, ‘An Inconvenient Truth?’ It’s been out for a while, I know, but I just didn’t get to it until now. I have to say, I enjoyed it immensely.

Al’s film (directed by Davis Guggenheim), is entertaining as heck, although, regrettably, it’s been transformed into laugh-a-minute time capsule material, a fairy tale about the all-importance of preventing global warming and saving the environment, paper-airplaned to us direct from the far-off care-free era of 2006.

I say this despite the fact that I live at the Jersey Shore, close enough to the sea that a mere two meter rise in sea levels (considerably less than those estimates cited in ‘An Inconvenient Truth’) would have the surf rolling through marshy Belford, across US Route 36, and right up to my doorstep. So much for my property value.

The truth, sadly—call it The Unfortunate Truth—is that ten or twenty years from now, no one’s going to give a rat’s ass about the environment. Why? Because we’ll all be dying off en masse. Probably over as short a time frame as five years or so.

In 1962, the year in which I was born, the world population stood at 3.12 billion, give or take a few million. That was a lot of people. If you were a kid in the early 1970s, you heard a lot about the Population Explosion. Approaching famine and disasters and Soylent Green and such. But that reckoning never came. It was put off by a growth-facilitating factor that threw a monkey wrench into the system, delaying the comeuppance we had already earned. Call it the Oil Factor.

Today, world population stands at 6.7 billion. This is an anomaly, a calamitous statistical deviation caused solely by the availability of oil. Oil is to humans on earth as several industrial-sized vats of honey would be to a sealed warehouse full of fruit flies. It has created an artificial and temporary environment in which human population has expanded far beyond the capacity of the earth to sustain it.

This anomaly is about to be corrected by a sharp decline in the earth’s obtainable oil resources. “Peak Oil” is the term for the tipping point at which our ability to pump, process, and transport oil stops growing and starts declining, even as demand continues to expand. Some people think this correction is already occurring. Other people—optimists in the crowd—think we have another twenty years or so until we start feeling the pinch. No one anywhere—from the worldwide scientific community to Al Gore to Dick Cheney to Sarah Palin to the oil companies themselves—believes that the total collapse of known oil reserves is more than fifty years away.

“Pinch,” it should be said, is used here as a euphemism for global war followed by a massive die-off of the vast majority of the human population. Oil is the answer to virtually every possible question you can ask about human existence in the 20th and 21st centuries. Without it, there is no energy, no food, no potable water, no medicine, no Paris Hilton, nothing. When the end comes, it will be swift. We won’t have a lot of time to regret turning so much of our oil into trash can liner twist ties, McDonalds Happy Meal toys, and cellophane shrinkwrap.

But, hey, what about solar and nuclear and wind power and wave power and hydrogen power? We’ll still have those things, right? Yes we will! Some of these power sources will still exist in the refreshingly uncrowded world of the future. After the mountains of fresh human corpses have decayed into moldering heaps of fairly fertile topsoil, there will undoubtedly be small tribes of people living along the rivers and coastlines of what was once America, using wave power and paddlewheels to generate small amounts of power. Solar grids will prove helpful until their parts wear out and can’t be replaced. Hydrogen and nuclear power technologies, however, are inextricably bound up with oil. They consume energy, provided by oil, in order to produce energy, in the form of electricity. Once the power goes out, these technologies will cease to exist.

Who will survive the massive die-off of the human population, even for a short while? People with skills that can be bartered for goods. Well diggers. Plumbers. Farmers. People with flocks of birds and herds of sheep. People with guns. That’s pretty much it.

Soon, the power will start to go out. It probably won’t go out in America first. (We don’t have all those troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and everywhere else for nothing. We still, to this day, have 35,000 troops in Japan, of all places.) But all we’ll be gaining for ourselves in that year-or-two interval before the power outage reaches our shores is a better seat from which to watch a fantastically escalating global war for resources. Again, some people believe this war (now located in Iraq and Afghanistan, soon to spread to Iran and Pakistan) has already begun. After it’s over, the power will really go out. And the darkness will be really, really dark.

Which, on the bright side, will put an abrupt end to our global warming problem. The seas will probably still rise for a few centuries, but hardly anybody will be around to see it.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Twitter for Twats?

“Standing at the altar with @TracyPage where a second ago she became my wife! Gotta go, time to kiss my bride,”

Dana Hanna from Maryland updated his Twitter account from the altar steps as he was getting married. Amusing it is, but it underlines the inanity of Twitter. Majority of the 140-character-miniblogs or tweets that are posted online are frivolous.

As reported by The Independent, the top ten twitter trends as on today @9.30 am GMT includes topics like #youbeblownwhen (No.1 topic; have people discussing what would make then upset),  #omgfac,  #NowPlaying,   #Christmas etc. The only newsy topic discussed was #Copenhagen. One literally has to sift through the barrage of unnecessary information for anything news worthy.

Twitter mostly is been used as a marketing cum PR tool. If you go by the research done by Sysomos, more than a quarter of tweets everyday, are posted by machines. They are the self-generating tweets operated by sources like hotels offering deals, weather, games etc. In fact the most updated tweets accounts who tweet more than 2000 times/day are @dogbook (updates on what pets are doing) and @combatsi (update from the game Second Life).

Celebrities on Twitter

Besides PR, Twitter also caters to the voyeuristic needs of the people. You will find crème de la crème of the media in the tweetosmosphere. Here are few interesting people whom one can follow:

TV personalities: Stephen Fry, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Oprah Winfrey, Jimmy Carr

Journalists: Anderson Cooper, Rick Sanchez, Christina Amanpour

Sports Personalities: Andy Murray, Lance Armstrong, Michael Phelps

Politicians: Boris Johnson, Al Gore, Arnold Schwarzenegger

Twitter, no doubt,  is an important source of news. A perfect example of how technology can transcend boundaries. During the Iran elections recently when all forms of media was banned, it was twitter that came to rescue and became the voice of thousands of Iranians.

But these incidents are few and far apart.  Twitter needs much deeper penetration. It needs to go beyond its confinement of cozy developed world and face the reality of the developing and the under-developed countries. Only then, it can think of playing a meaningful role.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009





