I am a firm believer of having one outfit that is red carpet worthy, granted I don’t have that outfit yet… but it’s on the “List”. Some people have vision boards or dream boards. I have a vision book, a lil scrapbook with filled with some quotes and pictures of where I know I will be. Amazingly enough– many things have come true– as I knew they would.
Had you met me before the fire, you would hardly recognize me now. This has nothing to do with physical scars, it has nothing to do with a few extra lbs, or the fact that my hair is a tad longer and I like to change the color often.
I am much more empowered now, I have a vision and I know where I want to go and who I want to be. I know that I will make a difference, because that’s what the lil voice in my head tells me now.
We should all be red carpet worthy… does that mean that I want to be a celebrity… not exactly. I just want to help change a few lives… make a lil bit of a difference… make tomorrow a better day! am stuck with the phrase “tomorrow will thank you”, so that’s my working title.
Tomorrow Will Thank You!
Action Step: Be Red Carpet Worthy!!! What would you wear? What would the journalists be asking you? Would you run from the photographers or pull a Madonna Vogue or Paris Hilton? I don’t know about you… but Paris does know how to pose (I would so hire her modeling coach), and I’d let the spotlight shine Baby!! Scars and All — Here I am— Read My Book–
That’s me on the Red Carpet — now I’m off to search for the outfit I want… I’ll insert that later
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