"Rev" Ronald French
Ronald French Exposed!
Finally people, somebody fatter and stupider than me (Grand Magister Blackwood; Temples of Satan).
Who is this guy anyways? Do I know him? Did I appoint him? Guess somebody forgot to tell him Satan made me the Leader of all of Satanism.
I’m going to attack him and expose him, like I do with everybody for you.
The following is taken from his Mysatan profile:
Hi everyone I am Rev.Ronald French. I am a minister with the ULC & ULCM.
Blackwood: Big deal, any illiterate moron with 10 dollars can print out a Universal Life Church certificate and be a “Reverend!”
I have been studying world religion since I was eight years old.
Blackwood: Ha! I’ve been studying world religion since I was 5 years old. That’s why I’m a Grand Magister, and what are you? Oh a UCL “reverend” LMAO!
I have been working on starting a church for quite some time actually just could not figure out what kind and how it will work as apart of society.
Blackwood: Been there, done that. Templesofsatan.com, churchofsatanism.com … That’s all me. I’ve been starting up churches and organizations since you were in diapers.
I met a lady who is getting married but had to ask another church to use their church and grounds for the ceremony. I asked where she goes to church and she told me it was held in a gym.
Blackwood: She can come to my house, I can give her a real workout! I’ve had many a womenfolk in my days who will vouch for the sex crazed animal that I am!
So I decided to formulate a universal church with chapels for faiths who wish to worship in a place they can call their own even if it is temporary or long term.
Blackwood: *Yawn* show me one person who is actually interested in your stupid idea.
I am currently studying the tax code for non profits and churches and to include material in how to start a church.
Blackwood: Just quit, I already have a church for Satanists.
This is my dream I will be sharing others in.
Blackwood: Silly pipe dreams of a fat kid.
Thanks for your time
Rev.Ronald French
I am working on creating a church for churches and a place for faiths.
filing my nonprofit corporation in Sept and following with 501c (3) application.
Blackwood: Been there, done that. Templesofsatan.com, check it out.
Folks this fat kid is in every satanic ning group there is, and in each on he posts the same posts and blogs about his wannabe church. In every case nobody responds, and most of the time the intellegent Satanists in these groups actually disrespect this joke.
Now, if Ronald French were a businessman with an idea and he came up to me or you to pitch his idea for an investment and said to you: “I got this idea for a universal church with me as the reverend. I joined all these satanic social network sites to test my idea, and I either get no responses, or people just trash me and my idea. So, do you want to invest?
I’d say: Fuck you!
Not only is this fat kid delusional, but he’s a little stuck up bitch. Just go read some of his posts over at Mysatan and observe the attitude he presents, and ask yourself: Is this the kind of reverend you want representing your faith? Do you really want to pay tithes to the likes of this guy?
Not only that, but he parades around some “kudos” Zeena LaVey supposedly sent to him on facebook? What kind of satanist is this fat kid anyways? He doesn’t know Zeena’s own son Stanton disowned her because she’s fucking crazy?!
This fat kid is a joke. His Chapel’s Ning site has 6 members!? I got thousand of members over at my site: Real Satanism, come check it out. Join us. We’re the fasted growing Satanic organization on Earth.
And who are those 6 members he has anyways? Retards… retards, just like him. This fat delusional kid surrounds himself with stupid retarded people just like him. What a fat joke this guy is.
Here’s another blog of his from Mysatan for you:
In about 20 NING groups I constantly advertise my universal church. I have allot who support the idea but lets get real . . . They will come when it is built. While I am finishing up with the bylaws , mission statement and tax stamp I am campaigning for Axis Sanctuary and Chapels.
How does this have to do with Satanism ? The main Sanctuary is set up similar to the UU and Unity. However, the difference is there are going to be several chapels for the various groups who wish to have a chapel. Chapel for Satan anyone?
Some dont feel a chapel or any building is necessary which is fine with me ( dont come ) but for the support I have been getting I have no worries for my detractors. they are fun like skipping rocks on a lake.
If you are to challenge me and want me to articulate what I write . . . . Perhaps you should do the same in your requests . But then again I dont do requests and you will have to take what I write for face value. But then again when you do criticize me who are you and why should I care? If you are against me that is fine so is the guy who lives in the dumpster when I through my trash on him…… does his opinion matter? To him perhaps..I am too busy to care.
Warm Regards
Ronald French
Blackwood: Last year interest in Satanism dropped 50%. The Temple of Set is dead. The Church of Satanism is dying. Not only does this fat kid’s idea suck, it’s completely unrealistic. Nobody in those 20 ning groups he is in gives two shits about him or his Church. Even if he ends up constructing a building, who the hell will be left in Satanism to join his organization?
Temples of Satan is the original and fastes growing satanic non-profit organization in the world. Join us.
Grand Magister Blacckwood (that’s me) is the only genuinely ordained Leader of Satanism in the world. Ordained by who? By Satan himself. I sacrificed a goat and rubbed it’s blood and ash all over my naked body and Satan came inside me and filled me with this presence. Satan annointed me on the head and face with his black magickal fluid and made me his Vicar and the only real Leader of Satanism. Just ask the History Channel!
The Temples of Satan is committed to exposing frauds and charlatans like this, and like LaVey, Crowley, Long, Aquino, and all those other people I haven’t named who are pseudo-satanist. Satan doesn’t recognize them! I fight for you!
Temples of Satan
Grand Magister Blackwood
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