Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Paris Hilton exige demasiado

En una nota nada sorprendente, resulta que la mayor fuente de desechos tóxicos del mundo, conocida como Piru Hilton, se portó como una perra exigente con el equipo de producción de una película en la que participará. Sí, aún hay pendejos que la contratan para contaminar filmes.

Según cuentan, Piru aparecerá en The Other Guys junto a Mark Whalberg, Samuel L. Jackson y Eva Mendes. Pero no crean que será protagonista ni nada parecido, tendrá un papelucho de cuarta para el que se requería que estuviera sólo un día en el set de filmación, pues bien, por apenas esas 24 horas, esta tipa llegó con una lista de tres páginas con todas las cosas que necesitaba, entre las que se incluía contar con langostas vivas para que se las prepararan cuando estuviera lista para devorárselas y una botella de vodka Grey Goose para acompañar.

Estoy seguro que Piru exigió que las langostas estuvieran vivas porque disfruta de verlas morir acercándolas a su vagina. Sí, cualquier ser vivo que se acerque a menos de un metro de distancia de ese agujero nuclear, terminará con su existencia irremediablemente. Y tomando en cuenta las habilidades de actuación de esta golfa, sería justo que su única exigencia fuera un Duvalín a medio comer.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

10 Celebrity scams to avoid

Here’s a list of 10 celebrity scams that cybercriminals and hackers are using to hide malware and infect computers with malicious code. Make sure you avoid them!

Emma Stone
Cybercriminals have infected exploited searches that look for pictures of the Zombieland actress naked or use terms like ‘Emma Stone nude’. The pages actually contain rogueware and also prompt false warning messages to appear on the iPhone.

Emails promising an XXX-rated video of pop superstar Madonna actually contain a file that will infect your computer with a Trojan horse.

Britney Spears
A video of Britney Spears, supposedly naked, was being spread by email a couple of years ago. It was actually an attempt by hackers to get people to install malicious code on to their PCs.

Patrick Swayze
Following the Dirty Dancing star’s death, hackers exploited people searching for the news by using ‘SEO poisoning’ to push infected sites up the results list in search engines. The links actually sent people to infected sites.

Megan Fox
Comments on several YouTube videos that promised a link to a ’sex tape’ allegedly showing the Transformers star sent people to a site that asks you to fill in personal details and a survey.

Ashley Greene
Following naked images of the Twilight star being circulated, forum threads and search results were infected to take people to a compromised website that even recognised what operating system they were using so to give them the appropriate infection.

Angelina Jolie
A spam email claiming to provide a direct link to a nude video of Angelina Jolie infected PCs with spyware that steals usernames and passwords and sends to them to a remote location, where malware writers can retrieve them.

Serena Williams
After the tennis star’s outburst during her semi-final match with Kim Clijsters at the US Open, hackers used an SEO-based malware to infect searches for the video.

Stephen Gately
Cybercriminals are using news reports about the death of pop star Stephen Gately to hide malware. The malware warns that you have been infected and prompts you to install a product to remove it, which they ask you to pay for.

Paris Hilton
The heiress is another female celebrity whose name was used as bait in an online scam. Emails with subject lines such as Paris Hilton Free Video, which promised clips of the star naked, were being used to contaminate PCs with viruses.

via webuser.co.uk

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

PETA critica a Paris Hilton por tener un cerdo en casa

Para aquellos que no estaban enterados, Piru Hilton compró este fin de semana un cerdo miniatura para tenerlo como mascota. Realmente no entiendo para qué quiere más cerdos, ¿no le será suficiente con los que se acuesta a cada rato?. Pero qué pregunta más estúpida, Piru no tiene sosiego en cuanto a cerdos se refiere. En fin, luego de que se dio a conocer esta noticia, la organización en pro de los derechos de los animales, PETA, se puso furiosa y envió un comunicado de prensa en el que dicen que Piru es un pésimo ejemplo en cuanto al trato de animales se refiere y que debe entender que las mascotas no son desechables, como los amigos o los novios.

Wow, se nota que PETA sabe lo que hace, porque ese comunicado seguro lo escribió una perra. Y me pregunto por qué hasta ahora salen a defender a los animales de los que Piru ha abusado, si desde hace años tiene una colonia de ladillas viviendo entre sus piernas, haciendo trabajos forzados y siendo violadasconstantemente. ¡Que alguien proteja a esas pobres criaturas!.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Celebrity Good Manners: 12 Great Celeb Tippers!

Here are some interesting stories about our favorite celebrities.  Good stories today, folks.  We have plenty of time to get to the jerks!

(BTW, celebrities in groups count as one.)

Reba McIntire:  This fine woman is an absolute pleasure. I waited on her during a stint in Nashville years ago. It took me a while to realize who she was, actually was clued in by fellow staff members. I have never met a more gracious and polite customer. Tipped me far more than I deserved. I will never forget her kindness.—Edward W., Knoxville, TN

Warren Sapp , Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Great guy and his wife is a doll. Loves his fine cognac, although we did not carry his $125/shot preference. Good tipper, and treats the server as a person. —Myles, Brandon, FL

Andre Agassi and Stephie Graf came into my restaurant for lunch. They were very polite, signing a few autographs, and Andre left a $100 bill on a $60 check.

—Anonymous, Washington D.C.

I work at CityWalk at Universal Studios. One busy night a woman with two small children had just been seated and I was totally in the weeds. I was preparing to walk up to the table when I heard a voice saying “Excuse me, we don’t have much time. Can you get our waiter?” I knew it was the woman from my section, so before I looked at her I started saying “I’m your waiter and I was on my way over!” in kind of a rude tone. While I’m saying this I look up into the eyes of Patricia Arquette. She said she was sorry and turned and walked back to the table. I was completely embarrassed and made her my priority and everything was great. I speeded her order through and she left me 25%. Very polite and used “please” and “thank you” at every visit I made to the table. Come back anytime, Patricia!

—Scott, Los Angeles

Oh no!  Scott, you broke the rules.  Here I am defending you and the entire hospitality industry in my book, You Suck When You’re Rude, and you verbally bitch slapped Patricia Arquette.  Auntie Seriously warns not to do that!  Tsk, tsk…

Morgan Freeman is one of the most respectful and complimentary diners I have had in my restaurant, a true gentleman. A good tipper as well. —Dave

I work in one of the better restaurants in a city famed for its food and service. I have waited on numerous celebrities, but the winners of the “most gracious and generous” award have got to be Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins. While filming “Dead Man Walking,” they ate at my restaurant quite often, and the staff uniformly rejoiced at their humor, tipping, lack of pretension, and just plain “niceness.”—Ken, New Orleans

Reba McEntire: Very friendly and very natural, doesn’t play “the star”. She used to come into therestaurant in sweatpants and tee-shirts, no make-up, and her hair up in a pony tail. A very sweet lady and a decent tipper. —Jeff H

Reba, again!?  Wow, that says alot!

You can add Terry “Hulk” Hogan to your “Saints” list. I tend bar at a Clearwater hot spot, and Terry and his family were in a few weeks ago. Not only did he leave $200 on a $120 bill (they were at a 4 top, not the bar), he signed autographs for at least a dozen kids and talked to people for a good half hour. VERY classy guy. —Beachguy, Clearwater, FL

Mike Tyson – Hands out $100 bills like they’re Kleenex.

Paris Hilton – Is said to always take care of wait staff and tip handsomely. She’s also generous with hairdressers, manicurists, valets and drivers.

Charlie Sheen – At his oldest daughter’s 16th birthday party tipped staff $200 each.

Richard Dreyfuss – Tipped 20% and helped server clean up mess left behind by his kids. He must be changing his ways after he was listed on some bad tipper lists.

Presidential Bonus: Barrack Obama – A recent TMZ item noted Obama tipped $18.00 on a $2.00 mug of beer.



Sunday, October 4, 2009

Paris Hilton: Sobrenatural

A patricinha mais amada e odiada do mundo, Paris Hilton, fará uma participação no seriado “Supernatural“. O seriado, que está em sua 5ª temporada, conta a história de dois irmãos que caçam fantasmas demônios e fenômenos sobrenaturais.

Supernatural é transmitido pelo SBT de segunda a sexta as 21:00 horas e pela CWtv na quinta-feira – Meia Noite.

O episódio em que Paris aparecerá se chama “Fallen Idols” e vai ao ar dia 08 de outubro pela CW. Veja a sinopse abaixo:

Sam (Jared Padalecki) e Dean (Jensen Ackles) decidem começar a caçar juntos novamente e seu primeiro caso leva-os a uma pequena cidade cujos habitantes estão sendo mortos pelos famosos ícones como Abraham Lincoln e pelo carro de James Dean. No entanto, após duas adolescentes afirmarem que seu amigo foi seqüestrado por Paris Hilton (em uma participação especial como ela mesma), os irmãos não tem mais a certeza do que eles estão caçando. Jim Conway dirigiu o episódio escrito por Julie Siege.

Vejam o trailler promocional:

Como diria a própria Paris, Hot!

Para download de todos os episódios, acessem a comunidade Supernatural/Sobrenatural no Orkut (lembrando que é preciso estar logado).

Leonardo Portela

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dumb & Dumber: "Rev." Ronald French

"Rev" Ronald French

Ronald French Exposed!

Finally people, somebody fatter and stupider than me (Grand Magister Blackwood; Temples of Satan).

Who is this guy anyways? Do I know him? Did I appoint him? Guess somebody forgot to tell him Satan made me the Leader of all of Satanism.

I’m going to attack him and expose him, like I do with everybody for you.

The following is taken from his Mysatan profile:

Hi everyone I am Rev.Ronald French. I am a minister with the ULC & ULCM.

Blackwood: Big deal, any illiterate moron with 10 dollars can print out a Universal Life Church certificate and be a “Reverend!”

I have been studying world religion since I was eight years old.

Blackwood: Ha! I’ve been studying world religion since I was 5 years old. That’s why I’m a Grand Magister, and what are you? Oh a UCL “reverend” LMAO!

I have been working on starting a church for quite some time actually just could not figure out what kind and how it will work as apart of society.

Blackwood: Been there, done that. Templesofsatan.com, churchofsatanism.com …  That’s all me. I’ve been starting up churches and organizations since you were in diapers.

I met a lady who is getting married but had to ask another church to use their church and grounds for the ceremony. I asked where she goes to church and she told me it was held in a gym.

Blackwood: She can come to my house, I can give her a real workout! I’ve had many a womenfolk in my days who will vouch for the sex crazed animal that I am!

So I decided to formulate a universal church with chapels for faiths who wish to worship in a place they can call their own even if it is temporary or long term.

Blackwood: *Yawn* show me one person who is actually interested in your stupid idea.

I am currently studying the tax code for non profits and churches and to include material in how to start a church.

Blackwood: Just quit, I already have a church for Satanists.

This is my dream I will be sharing others in.

Blackwood: Silly pipe dreams of a fat kid.

Thanks for your time

Rev.Ronald French

I am working on creating a church for churches and a place for faiths.

filing my nonprofit corporation in Sept and following with 501c (3) application.

Blackwood: Been there, done that. Templesofsatan.com, check it out.

Folks this fat kid is in every satanic ning group there is, and in each on he posts the same posts and blogs about his wannabe church. In every case nobody responds, and most of the time the intellegent Satanists in these groups actually disrespect this joke.

Now, if Ronald French were a businessman with an idea and he came up to me or you to pitch his idea for an investment and said to you: “I got this idea for a universal church with me as the reverend. I joined all these satanic social network sites to test my idea, and I either get no responses, or people just trash me and my idea. So, do you want to invest?

I’d say: Fuck you!

Not only is this fat kid delusional, but he’s a little stuck up bitch. Just go read some of his posts over at Mysatan and observe the attitude he presents, and ask yourself: Is this the kind of reverend you want representing your faith? Do you really want to pay tithes to the likes of this guy?

Not only that, but he parades around some “kudos” Zeena LaVey supposedly sent to him on facebook? What kind of satanist is this fat kid anyways? He doesn’t know Zeena’s own son Stanton disowned her because she’s fucking crazy?!

This fat kid is a joke. His Chapel’s Ning site has 6 members!? I got thousand of members over at my site: Real Satanism, come check it out. Join us. We’re the fasted growing Satanic organization on Earth.

And who are those 6 members he has anyways? Retards… retards, just like him. This fat delusional kid surrounds himself with stupid retarded people just like him. What a fat joke this guy is.

Here’s another blog of his from Mysatan for you:

In about 20 NING groups I constantly advertise my universal church. I have allot who support the idea but lets get real . . . They will come when it is built. While I am finishing up with the bylaws , mission statement and tax stamp I am campaigning for Axis Sanctuary and Chapels.

How does this have to do with Satanism ? The main Sanctuary is set up similar to the UU and Unity. However, the difference is there are going to be several chapels for the various groups who wish to have a chapel. Chapel for Satan anyone?

Some dont feel a chapel or any building is necessary which is fine with me ( dont come ) but for the support I have been getting I have no worries for my detractors. they are fun like skipping rocks on a lake.

If you are to challenge me and want me to articulate what I write . . . . Perhaps you should do the same in your requests . But then again I dont do requests and you will have to take what I write for face value. But then again when you do criticize me who are you and why should I care? If you are against me that is fine so is the guy who lives in the dumpster when I through my trash on him…… does his opinion matter? To him perhaps..I am too busy to care.

Warm Regards
Ronald French

Blackwood: Last year interest in Satanism dropped 50%. The Temple of Set is dead. The Church of Satanism is dying. Not only does this fat kid’s idea suck, it’s completely unrealistic. Nobody in those 20 ning groups he is in gives two shits about him or his Church. Even if he ends up constructing a building, who the hell will be left in Satanism to join his organization?

Temples of Satan is the original and fastes growing satanic non-profit organization in the world. Join us.

Grand Magister Blacckwood (that’s me) is the only genuinely ordained Leader of Satanism in the world. Ordained by who? By Satan himself. I sacrificed a goat and rubbed it’s blood and ash all over my naked body and Satan came inside me and filled me with this presence. Satan annointed me on the head and face with his black magickal fluid and made me his Vicar and the only real Leader of Satanism. Just ask the History Channel!

The Temples of Satan is committed to exposing frauds and charlatans like this, and like LaVey, Crowley, Long, Aquino, and all those other people I haven’t named who are pseudo-satanist. Satan doesn’t recognize them! I fight for you!

Temples of Satan

Grand Magister Blackwood

Thursday, October 1, 2009

GOING OUT: Hard Candy One-Year Anniversary and G3 Soiree

What happens when two big, fabulous events collide? KABAAM! More fabulousness!

Hotel Nightclub and G3 Illustrated are joining forces to celebrate the one-year anniversary of Hard Candy, Hotel’s gay entertainment night aimed at the GLBTQ community and G3’s monthly soiree, which has had a steady following.

This event is going to be BIG. Why? Well, for one Onch Movement is going to be there, along with Stephen Hampton from MTV’s Paris Hilton’s My New BFF. And then DJ Syimone and the Ladykillers are also going to be DJing, so the music will be off the chain. Oh, and did I mention that the event has NO cover?

Bring your friends and dress to impress, red carpet style! If you want to reserve a table, call Daniel Cole at (502) 548.4082 or send him an email. This will surely be a gay night!

Tomorrow, October 1
8 PM – 4 AM

Hotel Nightclub
410 S. Fourth Street
