Thursday, November 26, 2009


¿Quién no ha caído en la tentación de sentirse posh por un día? Atrás quedó lo de ser “reina por un día”, ¡si es mucho más entretenida la vida desenfrenada y de despilfarro de las chicas posh!. Pero la historia de este maravilloso neologismo inglés que se personifica en Victoria Beckham “Posh” (o Spice pija) y en otras celebrities que se mueven felizmente en el terreno del pijismo absoluto y excesivo -¿hortera?- tiene su origen en la historia de la navegación inglesa del siglo XIX.

Victoria Beckham dentro de una bolsa de Marc Jacobs. Fotografia de la campaña publicitaria de MJ: Jurgen Teller.

En aquella época los colonos ingleses viajaban a la India a bordo de los transatlánticos de la compañía P&O donde los billetes de primera se marcaban con las siglas P.O.S.H. ; Port Out, Starboard Home ( babor a la ida, estribor a la vuelta; donde se encontraban los camarotes con sombra, los más fresquitos y claro, los más caros). Así lo cuenta Juan Campos Calvo-Sotelo en su magnífico libro “Náufragos de antaño. Los grandes naufragios en la Costa de la Muerte en el siglo XIX“:

Paris Hilton con sus Kellogg’s Barbie

“La larga travesía del Mediterráneo y del Golfo de Adén obligaba a los viajeros a soportar un sol inmisericorde durante las horas del día. En el viaje hacia el este el ardor del sol golpeaba la banda de estribor de los barcos recalentando los camarotes de ese costado en los que no se podía conciliar el sueño durante la noche por la alta temperatura. Lo mismo sucedía en el viaje de retorno, hacia el oeste, pero ahora en la banda de babor. Esto hizo que los pasajeros más pudientes, huyendo del tórrido sol, estuviesen dispuestos a pagar más para tener camarotes a babor a la ida y a estribor a la vuelta al hogar patrio (dicho en inglés: Port Out, Starboard Home, expresión cuyas siglas -POSH- se convirtieron en un neologismo con significados que oscilan entre lo encomiástico: fino, lujoso, con clase; y lo despectivo: cursi, pijo.)”

Kate Moss comprando en el Flea Market

Así son las cosas, antes lo posh era viajar en un camarote con sombra y ahora lo es comprarse las Kellogg’s Barbie mientras se decide en cuál de los Hoteles Hilton del mundo pasar la próxima noche, o vaciando tiendas de Prada, Gucci o D&G, entre otras actividades. Si les sirve de consuelo… las chicas posh también compran en el Flea Market vestidas con “lo primero que encuentran en su armario”… Aunque una vez acabada la compra llamarán a la Posh Suprema (Vicky Beckham) para que les ayude a encontrar casa en Beverly Hills (más en Moss asks Posh to find her a home).


-Libro: “Náufragos de antaño. Los grandes naufragios en la Costa de la Muerte en el siglo XIX“. Juan Campos Calvo-Sotelo. Editorial Juventud. 2002.

-Curso on-line: Curso de filosofia estoica de Paris Hilton por Esponjiforme Entertainment


the littlest things...

I was just reminded of the “purpose” of my blog (or what I intended to write at the beginning).

the appreciation of little things that happen around you.

There are usually a lot of moanings, complaints, sighs during Sunday evenings.
“ugh, gotta work tomorrow.”
“another 5 days of work b4 the weekend”
These won’t be too unfamiliar if you are one of the members in the workforce.

let’s utilize some positive thinking here.
you work hard to get yourself a shelter, you earn enough to feed yourself,
and if you’re lucky, you can save some money too.

you may argue, everyone’s doing the same thing…

true. but if you want to be different,
think different! being able to appreciate the littlest things happen to you in life makes YOUR life different, and (i believe) better than others.
You don’t have to live some sort of dramatic, glamorous life like Paris Hilton’s to feel your life is better.

Wine and jazz concert after work unwinds me from monotonous work life,
and more interestingly, seeing old pairs of couples, moms and daughters, family and friends, dancing to the jazz music, you will find life is way better than you thought.
It all matters with HOW you think.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is She Still "So Ghetto"?: What Author Seriously McMillan's New Podcast Chat Is About?

You'll love The Seriously McMillan Show on BlogTalk Radio!

Now, she’s talking!

Yes, Seriously McMillan has written the books and those mannerly looks, but what the heck is she saying in the new Seriously McMillan Show?

I just love doing radio and podcasts, goodness forbid that I have to do a video and I am not wearing the right makeup…Oh no!

It’s not vanity for Author Seriously McMillan, it’s about practicing what she preaches about using good taste in all aspect of your life, including public appearance.

I am aware of my image and sometimes I just can’t get all the bells and whistles in the right places, but, I will not let that take away from the message.  You don’t need to see my face to hear what I am saying.

So, has Seriously retired from doing videos?

“No”, she says, “But podcasts about manners, etiquette and good taste are better because if I become inspired to do a podcast in the middle of the night, I can…Without worrying about hair and makeup.”

What is Seriously talking about in her new show called About A Few Things: The Seriously McMillan Show?

She talking about a few things that are timely and savvy.  Current events and private ones.  How to live your best life while learning and applying respect, manners, etiquette, courtesy and civility.

Seriously bite-sized podcasts are the perfect inspiration to wake up to, so catch her show LIVE in the mornings or finish your evening downloading and listening to a “Seriously inspired” podcast to make the next day a great.

I am working on keeping my podcasts under 15 minutes, some special topics I will chat about for half hour.  The messages in my podcasts are food for though.  They come quick, simple and easy to apply to life.

So take a look…rather a listen to Seriously McMillan’s blog talk radio show and enjoy.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Paris Hilton threatens to sue Kiwi firm over ‘vacant’ advertisement

Melbourne: Paris Hilton has threatened to slap legal papers to a New Zealand company that showed her picture with the word ‘vacant’ written across it in an advertisement.

Her manager Jamie Freed said Media5 used the image without permission and may expect a lawsuit, reports the Herald Sun.

Media5’s Adam McGregor said the organisation was only having a ‘bit of fun’ with the billboard and that they were not trying to offend anyone.

He told the Sunday Star Times: “We were thinking about using Winston Peters, but Paris is much prettier and she has a proven ability to laugh at herself.”

Vacant Billboard Angers Paris Hilton

According to the latest tabloids, Paris Hilton has threatened legal action against a New Zealand company for plastering her face across a billboard with the word "vacant"
stamped across it. The reality TV star was left nearly fuming when she discovered bosses at Media5 had used her image to advertise billboard space in Wellington.

Hilton’s manager, Jamie Freed, claims the company doesn’t have permission to use the picture and insists the star plans to settle the matter in court.

Spokesperson for Media5, Adam McGregor, says,

"(The poster is just) a bit of fun. Paris has a proven ability to laugh at herself. We assume that the agency has taken care of the rights to the image of Paris, but we will ask the question. We’re not trying to offend anyone."

Sunday, November 8, 2009

You pissed on my shoe!!

That’s it! I’ve had enough! I’m throwing in the towel.  I have been out numbered, and it is only getting worse. The English language is changing very fast, and we owe it all to online chatting, texting, and spell check.

Our language has drastically changed in the last 10 years, and my fear is that the children of the future will actually say lol as opposed to actually laughing.  What the hell am I saying?! That day has  already come. I overheard 2 girls talking at a record shop a while back, probably while they were looking for the Paris Hilton album, and one of them  said lmao as if it were a word! Lam-eh-oh.  I thought to myself “Is she afraid that her ass might actually fall off if she does laugh as intensely as her pronounced acronym states?  No, that can’t be it. It is apparent that she simply is more comfortable talking to her friends through a computer. How sad indeed.”

I don’t have a problem with texting, for I have now gone to the dark side and have become a texter myself. That has a little to do with everyone else, and a lot to do with my phone plan. I thought that I could still be a phone caller, but half of the time I return a text with a call I feel as though I catch the other person off guard. It’s almost at the point where your phone will only allow you to return a text with a text, or simply charge you extra if you break the “text code”. (Text code= when somebody texts you, you must return it with a text.)

OK, added charges are a bit over exaggerated, but do you see my point? Not yet? Almost? OK, check this out:

I’m a very sarcastic person, and maybe this has added to my slight hatred of texting. SARCASM IS NOT TEXT FRIENDLY! Often it just seems as though I’m being offensive, so I have quit my sarcastic texting, or when I do I add an lol to it, but that too seems wrong; for I never really am laughing out loud when I text lol.  Just imagine being in an elevator with somebody who just texted lmao and actually was laughing his ass off. Or if you were on the bus and somebody was having a laughing fit because of a text they received. It would be a little bit strange to say the least, but at least they would be being true to the person on the other side of the text.

Finally we have spell check. Oh how I love and hate thee. What’s up with the auto spell check? What a sneaky bastard that thing is! It’s almost as though my computer feels sorry for me and tries to fix my mistakes without me noticing. If I spell something wrong, I want to know about it! And no definitely and defiantly are not the same words! I remember I misspelled definitely once and during my spell check I changed all to defiantly by mistake because I had just glanced at it quickly without noticing. “I am defiantly interested in working with you.” Job search=fail.

The picture that I’m painting for you should look like something like this:

1)      Texting in general makes us sloppy writers

2)      Texting sarcasm doesn’t work

3)      Lol gets thrown around far too often.

4)      If you say lam-eh-oh (lmao) to my face we are not meant to be friends.

5)      Spell check can make me feel like the smartest and dumbest person on the planet.

I am not trying to make you quit texting (impossible) for there is no real big reason for you to quit. If somebody said to me “You pissed on my shoe when you were drunk last night.” I’d probably quit drinking, for there is obviously many reasons to do so. By continuing to text rest assured you will not piss on anybody’s shoe, you just might piss me off, and I think we can live with that.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Comment j’ai mis un vent à Paris Hilton

Ça s’est passé dans le sang, la sueur et les larmes (cette formule est de moi, elle restera dans l’histoire).

Ça faisait plusieurs mois que Paris Hilton me pokait sans vergogne sur Facebook. Il est vrai que j’avais eu la faiblesse de l’accepter comme friend, mais, que voulez-vous, je ne suis pas un homme qui rejette, au contraire (subtile autodérision que je me permets de souligner, car seules les blagues expliquées sont véritablement, profondément, éternellement drôles).

Alors que je sortais tranquillement du boulot, beau, riche, incroyablement bien habillé et d’une nonchalance désarmante, je croise le regard mélancolique de cette femme blonde dont la vulgarité me séduit, certes, mais dont la taille immense (1m73 sans talon) me fait me sentir petit, tout petit, comme disons, un Sarkozy qui serait un peu plus grand quand même (gardons le sens de la mesure).

Plein d’assurance comme à mon habitude, je baisse les yeux.

Une fan, me dis-je, la pauvre, me dis-je ensuite, songeant à la terrible ingratitude de ces vies de femmes sacrifiées sur l’autel de mon adoration, moi qui ne suis pourtant qu’un homme parmi d’autres, meilleur certes, mais certainement homme néanmoins.

Arrive alors ce moment terrible, ce moment que nous connaissons tous et qu’il est difficile d’aborder sans un ennui mêlé de gêne, sans une culpabilité sourde et une douleur empathique profonde : le moment de dire non.

- Tu veux sortir avec moi ?, me dit-elle d’une voix tremblante.

« La folle » je pense, ne sait-elle pas qui je suis ? Je ris intérieurement, mais pas trop longtemps car elle, pleine d’espoir, attend la réponse.

Sueur sur son visage (le stress sans doute).

Alors, avec calme et douceur, sur un ton fraternel, empreint d’une humanité profonde, je lui réponds :

- Non.

Larmes se mêlant à la sueur, faisant avec le maquillage un mélange répugnant.

Elle tente de se couper les veines avec son iPhone, ça marche pas. Elle met la fonction sabre laser. Ca marche toujours pas.

Le temps passe et je commence à m’ennuyer.

Je lui dis :

- Laisse tomber, t’y arriveras pas.

Elle chouine. Je la console :

- Mais restons friends sur Facebook.

Sourire radieux de sa part.

Et voilà comment j’ai mis un vent, avec tact, à Paris Hilton.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Audrina May Not Be Leaving "theHills"

Audrina recently spilled to Us Magazine saying she may be returning to theHills after all.  This after all the talk of her “graduating” from the show and being done with all the petty fighting we’ve become accustomed to on theHills.  Not to mention she wanted to leave the show because they made her appear ditsy.  Now Audrina says:

“I don’t really know, but everything is being negotiated and renegotiated,” she said. “Right now I’m really looking forward to my new show.”

But that doesn’t mean she’s rethinking having her own show.  She’s still moving forward with her plans to star in and produce the tentatively titled The Audrina Show.

“It’s going to be a whole different tone,” she said. “It’s very raw and real. It’s not a soap documentary like The Hills. It’s more about Hollywood, what really goes on behind the cameras.”

Her television projects are obviously keeping her busy.  And after splitting with Corey Bohan, Audrina’s not worried about finding Mr. Right.

“I’m just kind of focusing on myself,” she said. “I have my family and my friends that I’ve been with, and I don’t want to just date anybody. I’m very picky now, and I’m not just going to date anyone.”

But when she does decide to date someone, Audrina says she definitely has a type.  She loves

“manly men, but also [guys who have] a fashion sense. He has to have respect, a good sense of humor and be very spontaneous.” She said they also have to know “when not to be funny and when not to cross the line.”

Audrina also spilled on the kleptomaniac Hollywood Burglar Bunch.  Paris Hilton whose home was hit by the Bunch didn’t mince words saying she hates them. Audrina took a more subtle approach.

“I know they’re trying to justify what they did by saying it was a mistake, but they need to face the consequences,” the reality star, 24, told at the I Dream Of Audrina” party at the nightclub Dusk in Atlantic City, NJ, over the weekend.

Alexis Neiers, Courtney Ames, Diana Tamayo Roy Lopez Jr., Nicholas Prugo and Rachel Lee are due in court next month in connection with the string of burglaries.  The teenagers are suspected of stealing more than $3 million in designer jewelry and clothes.

Los Angeles police officer Brett Goodkin has said the teens repeatedly went after celebs because “they thought it was fun, kind of an adrenaline rush.”

The suspects all seem to be claiming that this was all some sort of mistake which Audrina (and anyone else with a modicum of sense) doesn’t buy.

“It’s not a mistake if you do it more than once,” she told Us.


Zui Suicide is a Turbo City veteran, who might look familiar because she was on “Paris Hilton’s New BFF”, but before all that she was a Turbo City Top Notch of the Week. Zui Lauren Watts is a wild rocker chick from Woodbridge, Virginia, that has a natural knack for trashing hotel rooms and loves being photographed. She started making noise as a Suicde Girl, and then branched off. Zui was one of the originators of Trashy Life, and still models.