Thursday, December 31, 2009

Nostalgic Memories And Obsessions

Christmas is over. I was hoping for a white Christmas, but I didn’t get that, did I? I did get a couple of gifts. I got a sweater and two shirts from Aeropostale, mittens from Hollister Co., A perfume set (some Paris Hilton perfume. Probably some message from one of my friends saying that I’m like Paris Hilton.) and new Converse, Chuck Taylors, whatever you call them. Apparently I’ve been bad since I also got a picture of coal. I wonder who went bothered to take a picture of coal and give it to me. Probably Jubilee or Hanna.

Speaking of Aeropostale, I went there two days ago with my cousin, Bella. (not Swan) While I was looking at a ninety dollar sweater. (can’t say it was a rip-off, it looked like it is worth ninety.) and then two boys walk in. One with crutches and another with pink skinny jeans. (not awkward.) The one with the pink skinnies looked so familiar, yet I don’t know where I saw him before. He seemed like he knew me, too, because he (almost) talked to me. By almost I mean, he came over to me, but my cousin pulled me away. He was cute, but so familiar. Where, oh, where did I see him before?

Luke, my neighbor/friend/skateboarder, is very complicated. (yes, he’s the only I dubbed as “skaterdude”.) He forgot what year it will be next year. I saw him with those glasses that say the year on it, but it said 2008. He’s sort of two years late. He thinks skating in the street is safe, well, all of the skateboarders think that. I could’ve sworn he fell in the street and then a car was passing by and he crawled away. Damn, I should’ve taken a video! He likes dipping his wavy potato chips in condensed milk, the really sweet on, and eating it. Well, it tastes sort of good, so I can’t complain. If you put that all aside, Luke’s pretty awesome. Sort of. He has family problems and I should be talking about them, so I won’t, but he manages to stay happy.

I think I might be mad at Natalie. Ever since she hooked up with Alex (again. God, how many times is that?) she began treating her friends as if they were not as important as Alex. Sure, Alex is her boyfriend, but she began ignoring her friends completely. On the last day of school before break, she didn’t sit with us during lunch, she sat with Alex. When all her friends are on AIM, she only talks to Alex.

So, aside from all the drama, a new year is approaching. I saw the commercial for the Dick Clark’s New Year’s Celebration. Apparently, Justin Bieber’s coming. And I’m supposed to go to Times Square to see the ball drop. Justin Bieber’s really going to be there. So if I go, will I see Justin Bieber? God, if Justin Bieber’s going to be there, Briana’s going to be there, definitely. She is the “I Love Justin Bieber” queen. There are so many pictures of him on her binder. There are, like, ten posters of him in her room. She’s crazy. He’s cute and all, but girls in my school shouldn’t obsess about him so much. Another teen icon in our school: Taylor Lautner. Girls love him but they don’t obsess about him as much as do about Justin. I have theory about that. The reason why girls in the pre-teen, teen age obsess about him so much is because fifteen (right?) and they could see Justin Bieber as their boyfriend, but not Taylor because he’s like, eighteen. (guessing.) I can’t see any famous person as my boyfriend, I can imagine some boy next door who I have a lot in common with.

Feeling: Bittersweet
Listening To: We The Kings – Heaven Can Wait


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Paris Hilton Gets Married in Las Vegas

It’s been awhile since the ditzy, aging socialite Paris Hilton has been in the news.   Over the weekend, however, Hilton reportedly got hitched in Las Vegas at the iconic Little Church of the West wedding chapel. 

Just don’t get all excited- it was all staged for publicity during a mock wedding.  The faux groom was Piers Morgan, from “Britain’s Got Talent.”

Hilton — and her revolting rat-looking dog — were dressed in white for the occasion. And there were plenty of witnesses- all dressed as Elvis and Marilyn Monroe.

The wedding will air Jan. 2 on VH1’s “Piers Morgan” show.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jessica Simpson Designs For Charity

This Saturday Jessica is helping raise money for The Art Institute in Fort Lauderdale during their Synergy Art and Music Festival. Jessica, along with Gloria Estefan, Venus Williams, Jeff Conine and Paris Hilton designed and decorated different articles of clothing that will be auctioned off, with all proceeds going towards the school’s scholarship program. The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale’s dedicated faculty understands what you need to succeed since they are industry professionals. You’ll find fast-paced insight from leading members of the professional community, classes sized to ensure that you get individual attention, and lots of hands-on experience to refine your skills. From Admissions to Financial Aid to Student Affairs and Career Services, The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale’s knowledgeable staff is ready to support and encourage you toward one common goal – a portfolio and resume that qualifies you for employment opportunities.

Very few however arrive in Music City with as much baggage as Jessica Simpson.

Read More……….
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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dynamite in Your Pocket

Thinking about cheating on your spouse or significant other?

Contemplating the crime of the century (or maybe just murdering that asshole with the barking dog next door)?

Planning to turn a quick buck in the dope market?

Got a great idea for a new product?

Meeting face-to-face to discuss intimate matters or a criminal conspiracy?

Rule #1: Do not possess, use, or be in the same room with a cell phone. In fact, if you’re planning to commit any of the malfeasances listed above, you don’t even want to own a cell phone that you leave at home.

Tiger would text Mindy Lawton when his need for sex was "urgent"

Remember Tiger Woods, that golfer who made about a billion dollars a year off an occasional good round of golf and some great product endorsement deals? Down the shitter because he left a trail of cell phone voice mail and text messages Inspector Clouseau could have deciphered.

How about Paris Hilton, whose hacked cell phone revealed contact information for Eminem, Vin Diesel, Lindsay Lohan, Christina Aguilera, Ashlee Simpson, Andy Roddick and Anna Kourikova? Because Paris is a Hollywood idiot, she and every one of the aforementioned Hollywood idiots had to change their e-mail addresses, cell phone numbers and, who knows, even move because it’s damned tough to change your street address if you stay in the same house.

Paris' password was 'Tinkerbell'

And these are the ones that, although pathetic, are a bit funny.

Good data are not available but most law enforcement people will tell you that cell phones, not fingerprints, gun casings, or DNA, are the best source of leads in the police business. Yes, the other forensic evidence becomes more important at trial but, when it comes to rounding up likely suspects, nothing works quite as well as a cell phone.

Consider these:

The cops were happy to return Tony Ramirez' cell phone

Criminal mastermind Anthony Ramirez robs a house and leaves his cell phone behind. He calls his own cell phone number to see if maybe someone has found it. A cop answers Anthony’s phone and says, “Sure thing, Tony. Is there a reward? Great! Meet me at the Circle K in twenty minutes.” Turns out Tony’s also looking at a murder rap.

B&E man, Dan Kincaid is nailed when he sends his girlfriend a string of text messages asking her how to get out of a neighborhood he’s been working without being spotted by the cops.

Mikhail Mallayev shoots a man one morning in Queens. Mikhail is smart enough to turn his cell off during the morning, but when questioned by New York’s finest, his story simply doesn’t match his afternoon cell phone records.

Darnell Watson kills a man on the street in Atlanta, and then uses the victim’s cell phone to call his girlfriend from the crime scene for a ride home.

An Ontario CA cop faces permanent suspension for sending sexually explicit text messages over his department-issued cell phone.

Yeah, I know, none of these scenarios apply to you.

But, if you think conversations you have over your cell phone, even if you have “encryption,” are secure you are naïve. Some cell phone designs and encryption schemes are pretty good (today) but things are changing so quickly that you must assume that anyone might be able to eavesdrop at any time. For all cell phone conversation, for all e-mails, for all electronic communications (like e-mails), the best rule is to apply what my friend Jack calls The Washington Post test: if you’d be humiliated or arrested when something you communicated electronically winds up on the front page of The Washington Post—don’t do it!

It’s getting even worse. With some cell phone models, hackers (or a law enforcement agency, maybe with a warrant, maybe not) can download eavesdropping software to your cell phone over the network. They don’t need access to the phone itself at all. In these cases, the cell phone can act as a room microphone, broadcasting everything that’s said even when the phone is not in use. In fact, there are a few models of cell phones where this room microphone feature will work when the phone is turned OFF!

As Richard Nixon used to ruminate, even paranoids have real enemies.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

The End of the Age of Oil

Am I one of the last people to get around to watching that Al Gore film, ‘An Inconvenient Truth?’ It’s been out for a while, I know, but I just didn’t get to it until now. I have to say, I enjoyed it immensely.

Al’s film (directed by Davis Guggenheim), is entertaining as heck, although, regrettably, it’s been transformed into laugh-a-minute time capsule material, a fairy tale about the all-importance of preventing global warming and saving the environment, paper-airplaned to us direct from the far-off care-free era of 2006.

I say this despite the fact that I live at the Jersey Shore, close enough to the sea that a mere two meter rise in sea levels (considerably less than those estimates cited in ‘An Inconvenient Truth’) would have the surf rolling through marshy Belford, across US Route 36, and right up to my doorstep. So much for my property value.

The truth, sadly—call it The Unfortunate Truth—is that ten or twenty years from now, no one’s going to give a rat’s ass about the environment. Why? Because we’ll all be dying off en masse. Probably over as short a time frame as five years or so.

In 1962, the year in which I was born, the world population stood at 3.12 billion, give or take a few million. That was a lot of people. If you were a kid in the early 1970s, you heard a lot about the Population Explosion. Approaching famine and disasters and Soylent Green and such. But that reckoning never came. It was put off by a growth-facilitating factor that threw a monkey wrench into the system, delaying the comeuppance we had already earned. Call it the Oil Factor.

Today, world population stands at 6.7 billion. This is an anomaly, a calamitous statistical deviation caused solely by the availability of oil. Oil is to humans on earth as several industrial-sized vats of honey would be to a sealed warehouse full of fruit flies. It has created an artificial and temporary environment in which human population has expanded far beyond the capacity of the earth to sustain it.

This anomaly is about to be corrected by a sharp decline in the earth’s obtainable oil resources. “Peak Oil” is the term for the tipping point at which our ability to pump, process, and transport oil stops growing and starts declining, even as demand continues to expand. Some people think this correction is already occurring. Other people—optimists in the crowd—think we have another twenty years or so until we start feeling the pinch. No one anywhere—from the worldwide scientific community to Al Gore to Dick Cheney to Sarah Palin to the oil companies themselves—believes that the total collapse of known oil reserves is more than fifty years away.

“Pinch,” it should be said, is used here as a euphemism for global war followed by a massive die-off of the vast majority of the human population. Oil is the answer to virtually every possible question you can ask about human existence in the 20th and 21st centuries. Without it, there is no energy, no food, no potable water, no medicine, no Paris Hilton, nothing. When the end comes, it will be swift. We won’t have a lot of time to regret turning so much of our oil into trash can liner twist ties, McDonalds Happy Meal toys, and cellophane shrinkwrap.

But, hey, what about solar and nuclear and wind power and wave power and hydrogen power? We’ll still have those things, right? Yes we will! Some of these power sources will still exist in the refreshingly uncrowded world of the future. After the mountains of fresh human corpses have decayed into moldering heaps of fairly fertile topsoil, there will undoubtedly be small tribes of people living along the rivers and coastlines of what was once America, using wave power and paddlewheels to generate small amounts of power. Solar grids will prove helpful until their parts wear out and can’t be replaced. Hydrogen and nuclear power technologies, however, are inextricably bound up with oil. They consume energy, provided by oil, in order to produce energy, in the form of electricity. Once the power goes out, these technologies will cease to exist.

Who will survive the massive die-off of the human population, even for a short while? People with skills that can be bartered for goods. Well diggers. Plumbers. Farmers. People with flocks of birds and herds of sheep. People with guns. That’s pretty much it.

Soon, the power will start to go out. It probably won’t go out in America first. (We don’t have all those troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and everywhere else for nothing. We still, to this day, have 35,000 troops in Japan, of all places.) But all we’ll be gaining for ourselves in that year-or-two interval before the power outage reaches our shores is a better seat from which to watch a fantastically escalating global war for resources. Again, some people believe this war (now located in Iraq and Afghanistan, soon to spread to Iran and Pakistan) has already begun. After it’s over, the power will really go out. And the darkness will be really, really dark.

Which, on the bright side, will put an abrupt end to our global warming problem. The seas will probably still rise for a few centuries, but hardly anybody will be around to see it.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Twitter for Twats?

“Standing at the altar with @TracyPage where a second ago she became my wife! Gotta go, time to kiss my bride,”

Dana Hanna from Maryland updated his Twitter account from the altar steps as he was getting married. Amusing it is, but it underlines the inanity of Twitter. Majority of the 140-character-miniblogs or tweets that are posted online are frivolous.

As reported by The Independent, the top ten twitter trends as on today @9.30 am GMT includes topics like #youbeblownwhen (No.1 topic; have people discussing what would make then upset),  #omgfac,  #NowPlaying,   #Christmas etc. The only newsy topic discussed was #Copenhagen. One literally has to sift through the barrage of unnecessary information for anything news worthy.

Twitter mostly is been used as a marketing cum PR tool. If you go by the research done by Sysomos, more than a quarter of tweets everyday, are posted by machines. They are the self-generating tweets operated by sources like hotels offering deals, weather, games etc. In fact the most updated tweets accounts who tweet more than 2000 times/day are @dogbook (updates on what pets are doing) and @combatsi (update from the game Second Life).

Celebrities on Twitter

Besides PR, Twitter also caters to the voyeuristic needs of the people. You will find crème de la crème of the media in the tweetosmosphere. Here are few interesting people whom one can follow:

TV personalities: Stephen Fry, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Oprah Winfrey, Jimmy Carr

Journalists: Anderson Cooper, Rick Sanchez, Christina Amanpour

Sports Personalities: Andy Murray, Lance Armstrong, Michael Phelps

Politicians: Boris Johnson, Al Gore, Arnold Schwarzenegger

Twitter, no doubt,  is an important source of news. A perfect example of how technology can transcend boundaries. During the Iran elections recently when all forms of media was banned, it was twitter that came to rescue and became the voice of thousands of Iranians.

But these incidents are few and far apart.  Twitter needs much deeper penetration. It needs to go beyond its confinement of cozy developed world and face the reality of the developing and the under-developed countries. Only then, it can think of playing a meaningful role.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009







Thursday, November 26, 2009


¿Quién no ha caído en la tentación de sentirse posh por un día? Atrás quedó lo de ser “reina por un día”, ¡si es mucho más entretenida la vida desenfrenada y de despilfarro de las chicas posh!. Pero la historia de este maravilloso neologismo inglés que se personifica en Victoria Beckham “Posh” (o Spice pija) y en otras celebrities que se mueven felizmente en el terreno del pijismo absoluto y excesivo -¿hortera?- tiene su origen en la historia de la navegación inglesa del siglo XIX.

Victoria Beckham dentro de una bolsa de Marc Jacobs. Fotografia de la campaña publicitaria de MJ: Jurgen Teller.

En aquella época los colonos ingleses viajaban a la India a bordo de los transatlánticos de la compañía P&O donde los billetes de primera se marcaban con las siglas P.O.S.H. ; Port Out, Starboard Home ( babor a la ida, estribor a la vuelta; donde se encontraban los camarotes con sombra, los más fresquitos y claro, los más caros). Así lo cuenta Juan Campos Calvo-Sotelo en su magnífico libro “Náufragos de antaño. Los grandes naufragios en la Costa de la Muerte en el siglo XIX“:

Paris Hilton con sus Kellogg’s Barbie

“La larga travesía del Mediterráneo y del Golfo de Adén obligaba a los viajeros a soportar un sol inmisericorde durante las horas del día. En el viaje hacia el este el ardor del sol golpeaba la banda de estribor de los barcos recalentando los camarotes de ese costado en los que no se podía conciliar el sueño durante la noche por la alta temperatura. Lo mismo sucedía en el viaje de retorno, hacia el oeste, pero ahora en la banda de babor. Esto hizo que los pasajeros más pudientes, huyendo del tórrido sol, estuviesen dispuestos a pagar más para tener camarotes a babor a la ida y a estribor a la vuelta al hogar patrio (dicho en inglés: Port Out, Starboard Home, expresión cuyas siglas -POSH- se convirtieron en un neologismo con significados que oscilan entre lo encomiástico: fino, lujoso, con clase; y lo despectivo: cursi, pijo.)”

Kate Moss comprando en el Flea Market

Así son las cosas, antes lo posh era viajar en un camarote con sombra y ahora lo es comprarse las Kellogg’s Barbie mientras se decide en cuál de los Hoteles Hilton del mundo pasar la próxima noche, o vaciando tiendas de Prada, Gucci o D&G, entre otras actividades. Si les sirve de consuelo… las chicas posh también compran en el Flea Market vestidas con “lo primero que encuentran en su armario”… Aunque una vez acabada la compra llamarán a la Posh Suprema (Vicky Beckham) para que les ayude a encontrar casa en Beverly Hills (más en Moss asks Posh to find her a home).


-Libro: “Náufragos de antaño. Los grandes naufragios en la Costa de la Muerte en el siglo XIX“. Juan Campos Calvo-Sotelo. Editorial Juventud. 2002.

-Curso on-line: Curso de filosofia estoica de Paris Hilton por Esponjiforme Entertainment


the littlest things...

I was just reminded of the “purpose” of my blog (or what I intended to write at the beginning).

the appreciation of little things that happen around you.

There are usually a lot of moanings, complaints, sighs during Sunday evenings.
“ugh, gotta work tomorrow.”
“another 5 days of work b4 the weekend”
These won’t be too unfamiliar if you are one of the members in the workforce.

let’s utilize some positive thinking here.
you work hard to get yourself a shelter, you earn enough to feed yourself,
and if you’re lucky, you can save some money too.

you may argue, everyone’s doing the same thing…

true. but if you want to be different,
think different! being able to appreciate the littlest things happen to you in life makes YOUR life different, and (i believe) better than others.
You don’t have to live some sort of dramatic, glamorous life like Paris Hilton’s to feel your life is better.

Wine and jazz concert after work unwinds me from monotonous work life,
and more interestingly, seeing old pairs of couples, moms and daughters, family and friends, dancing to the jazz music, you will find life is way better than you thought.
It all matters with HOW you think.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is She Still "So Ghetto"?: What Author Seriously McMillan's New Podcast Chat Is About?

You'll love The Seriously McMillan Show on BlogTalk Radio!

Now, she’s talking!

Yes, Seriously McMillan has written the books and those mannerly looks, but what the heck is she saying in the new Seriously McMillan Show?

I just love doing radio and podcasts, goodness forbid that I have to do a video and I am not wearing the right makeup…Oh no!

It’s not vanity for Author Seriously McMillan, it’s about practicing what she preaches about using good taste in all aspect of your life, including public appearance.

I am aware of my image and sometimes I just can’t get all the bells and whistles in the right places, but, I will not let that take away from the message.  You don’t need to see my face to hear what I am saying.

So, has Seriously retired from doing videos?

“No”, she says, “But podcasts about manners, etiquette and good taste are better because if I become inspired to do a podcast in the middle of the night, I can…Without worrying about hair and makeup.”

What is Seriously talking about in her new show called About A Few Things: The Seriously McMillan Show?

She talking about a few things that are timely and savvy.  Current events and private ones.  How to live your best life while learning and applying respect, manners, etiquette, courtesy and civility.

Seriously bite-sized podcasts are the perfect inspiration to wake up to, so catch her show LIVE in the mornings or finish your evening downloading and listening to a “Seriously inspired” podcast to make the next day a great.

I am working on keeping my podcasts under 15 minutes, some special topics I will chat about for half hour.  The messages in my podcasts are food for though.  They come quick, simple and easy to apply to life.

So take a look…rather a listen to Seriously McMillan’s blog talk radio show and enjoy.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Paris Hilton threatens to sue Kiwi firm over ‘vacant’ advertisement

Melbourne: Paris Hilton has threatened to slap legal papers to a New Zealand company that showed her picture with the word ‘vacant’ written across it in an advertisement.

Her manager Jamie Freed said Media5 used the image without permission and may expect a lawsuit, reports the Herald Sun.

Media5’s Adam McGregor said the organisation was only having a ‘bit of fun’ with the billboard and that they were not trying to offend anyone.

He told the Sunday Star Times: “We were thinking about using Winston Peters, but Paris is much prettier and she has a proven ability to laugh at herself.”

Vacant Billboard Angers Paris Hilton

According to the latest tabloids, Paris Hilton has threatened legal action against a New Zealand company for plastering her face across a billboard with the word "vacant"
stamped across it. The reality TV star was left nearly fuming when she discovered bosses at Media5 had used her image to advertise billboard space in Wellington.

Hilton’s manager, Jamie Freed, claims the company doesn’t have permission to use the picture and insists the star plans to settle the matter in court.

Spokesperson for Media5, Adam McGregor, says,

"(The poster is just) a bit of fun. Paris has a proven ability to laugh at herself. We assume that the agency has taken care of the rights to the image of Paris, but we will ask the question. We’re not trying to offend anyone."

Sunday, November 8, 2009

You pissed on my shoe!!

That’s it! I’ve had enough! I’m throwing in the towel.  I have been out numbered, and it is only getting worse. The English language is changing very fast, and we owe it all to online chatting, texting, and spell check.

Our language has drastically changed in the last 10 years, and my fear is that the children of the future will actually say lol as opposed to actually laughing.  What the hell am I saying?! That day has  already come. I overheard 2 girls talking at a record shop a while back, probably while they were looking for the Paris Hilton album, and one of them  said lmao as if it were a word! Lam-eh-oh.  I thought to myself “Is she afraid that her ass might actually fall off if she does laugh as intensely as her pronounced acronym states?  No, that can’t be it. It is apparent that she simply is more comfortable talking to her friends through a computer. How sad indeed.”

I don’t have a problem with texting, for I have now gone to the dark side and have become a texter myself. That has a little to do with everyone else, and a lot to do with my phone plan. I thought that I could still be a phone caller, but half of the time I return a text with a call I feel as though I catch the other person off guard. It’s almost at the point where your phone will only allow you to return a text with a text, or simply charge you extra if you break the “text code”. (Text code= when somebody texts you, you must return it with a text.)

OK, added charges are a bit over exaggerated, but do you see my point? Not yet? Almost? OK, check this out:

I’m a very sarcastic person, and maybe this has added to my slight hatred of texting. SARCASM IS NOT TEXT FRIENDLY! Often it just seems as though I’m being offensive, so I have quit my sarcastic texting, or when I do I add an lol to it, but that too seems wrong; for I never really am laughing out loud when I text lol.  Just imagine being in an elevator with somebody who just texted lmao and actually was laughing his ass off. Or if you were on the bus and somebody was having a laughing fit because of a text they received. It would be a little bit strange to say the least, but at least they would be being true to the person on the other side of the text.

Finally we have spell check. Oh how I love and hate thee. What’s up with the auto spell check? What a sneaky bastard that thing is! It’s almost as though my computer feels sorry for me and tries to fix my mistakes without me noticing. If I spell something wrong, I want to know about it! And no definitely and defiantly are not the same words! I remember I misspelled definitely once and during my spell check I changed all to defiantly by mistake because I had just glanced at it quickly without noticing. “I am defiantly interested in working with you.” Job search=fail.

The picture that I’m painting for you should look like something like this:

1)      Texting in general makes us sloppy writers

2)      Texting sarcasm doesn’t work

3)      Lol gets thrown around far too often.

4)      If you say lam-eh-oh (lmao) to my face we are not meant to be friends.

5)      Spell check can make me feel like the smartest and dumbest person on the planet.

I am not trying to make you quit texting (impossible) for there is no real big reason for you to quit. If somebody said to me “You pissed on my shoe when you were drunk last night.” I’d probably quit drinking, for there is obviously many reasons to do so. By continuing to text rest assured you will not piss on anybody’s shoe, you just might piss me off, and I think we can live with that.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Comment j’ai mis un vent à Paris Hilton

Ça s’est passé dans le sang, la sueur et les larmes (cette formule est de moi, elle restera dans l’histoire).

Ça faisait plusieurs mois que Paris Hilton me pokait sans vergogne sur Facebook. Il est vrai que j’avais eu la faiblesse de l’accepter comme friend, mais, que voulez-vous, je ne suis pas un homme qui rejette, au contraire (subtile autodérision que je me permets de souligner, car seules les blagues expliquées sont véritablement, profondément, éternellement drôles).

Alors que je sortais tranquillement du boulot, beau, riche, incroyablement bien habillé et d’une nonchalance désarmante, je croise le regard mélancolique de cette femme blonde dont la vulgarité me séduit, certes, mais dont la taille immense (1m73 sans talon) me fait me sentir petit, tout petit, comme disons, un Sarkozy qui serait un peu plus grand quand même (gardons le sens de la mesure).

Plein d’assurance comme à mon habitude, je baisse les yeux.

Une fan, me dis-je, la pauvre, me dis-je ensuite, songeant à la terrible ingratitude de ces vies de femmes sacrifiées sur l’autel de mon adoration, moi qui ne suis pourtant qu’un homme parmi d’autres, meilleur certes, mais certainement homme néanmoins.

Arrive alors ce moment terrible, ce moment que nous connaissons tous et qu’il est difficile d’aborder sans un ennui mêlé de gêne, sans une culpabilité sourde et une douleur empathique profonde : le moment de dire non.

- Tu veux sortir avec moi ?, me dit-elle d’une voix tremblante.

« La folle » je pense, ne sait-elle pas qui je suis ? Je ris intérieurement, mais pas trop longtemps car elle, pleine d’espoir, attend la réponse.

Sueur sur son visage (le stress sans doute).

Alors, avec calme et douceur, sur un ton fraternel, empreint d’une humanité profonde, je lui réponds :

- Non.

Larmes se mêlant à la sueur, faisant avec le maquillage un mélange répugnant.

Elle tente de se couper les veines avec son iPhone, ça marche pas. Elle met la fonction sabre laser. Ca marche toujours pas.

Le temps passe et je commence à m’ennuyer.

Je lui dis :

- Laisse tomber, t’y arriveras pas.

Elle chouine. Je la console :

- Mais restons friends sur Facebook.

Sourire radieux de sa part.

Et voilà comment j’ai mis un vent, avec tact, à Paris Hilton.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Audrina May Not Be Leaving "theHills"

Audrina recently spilled to Us Magazine saying she may be returning to theHills after all.  This after all the talk of her “graduating” from the show and being done with all the petty fighting we’ve become accustomed to on theHills.  Not to mention she wanted to leave the show because they made her appear ditsy.  Now Audrina says:

“I don’t really know, but everything is being negotiated and renegotiated,” she said. “Right now I’m really looking forward to my new show.”

But that doesn’t mean she’s rethinking having her own show.  She’s still moving forward with her plans to star in and produce the tentatively titled The Audrina Show.

“It’s going to be a whole different tone,” she said. “It’s very raw and real. It’s not a soap documentary like The Hills. It’s more about Hollywood, what really goes on behind the cameras.”

Her television projects are obviously keeping her busy.  And after splitting with Corey Bohan, Audrina’s not worried about finding Mr. Right.

“I’m just kind of focusing on myself,” she said. “I have my family and my friends that I’ve been with, and I don’t want to just date anybody. I’m very picky now, and I’m not just going to date anyone.”

But when she does decide to date someone, Audrina says she definitely has a type.  She loves

“manly men, but also [guys who have] a fashion sense. He has to have respect, a good sense of humor and be very spontaneous.” She said they also have to know “when not to be funny and when not to cross the line.”

Audrina also spilled on the kleptomaniac Hollywood Burglar Bunch.  Paris Hilton whose home was hit by the Bunch didn’t mince words saying she hates them. Audrina took a more subtle approach.

“I know they’re trying to justify what they did by saying it was a mistake, but they need to face the consequences,” the reality star, 24, told at the I Dream Of Audrina” party at the nightclub Dusk in Atlantic City, NJ, over the weekend.

Alexis Neiers, Courtney Ames, Diana Tamayo Roy Lopez Jr., Nicholas Prugo and Rachel Lee are due in court next month in connection with the string of burglaries.  The teenagers are suspected of stealing more than $3 million in designer jewelry and clothes.

Los Angeles police officer Brett Goodkin has said the teens repeatedly went after celebs because “they thought it was fun, kind of an adrenaline rush.”

The suspects all seem to be claiming that this was all some sort of mistake which Audrina (and anyone else with a modicum of sense) doesn’t buy.

“It’s not a mistake if you do it more than once,” she told Us.


Zui Suicide is a Turbo City veteran, who might look familiar because she was on “Paris Hilton’s New BFF”, but before all that she was a Turbo City Top Notch of the Week. Zui Lauren Watts is a wild rocker chick from Woodbridge, Virginia, that has a natural knack for trashing hotel rooms and loves being photographed. She started making noise as a Suicde Girl, and then branched off. Zui was one of the originators of Trashy Life, and still models.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Paris Hilton exige demasiado

En una nota nada sorprendente, resulta que la mayor fuente de desechos tóxicos del mundo, conocida como Piru Hilton, se portó como una perra exigente con el equipo de producción de una película en la que participará. Sí, aún hay pendejos que la contratan para contaminar filmes.

Según cuentan, Piru aparecerá en The Other Guys junto a Mark Whalberg, Samuel L. Jackson y Eva Mendes. Pero no crean que será protagonista ni nada parecido, tendrá un papelucho de cuarta para el que se requería que estuviera sólo un día en el set de filmación, pues bien, por apenas esas 24 horas, esta tipa llegó con una lista de tres páginas con todas las cosas que necesitaba, entre las que se incluía contar con langostas vivas para que se las prepararan cuando estuviera lista para devorárselas y una botella de vodka Grey Goose para acompañar.

Estoy seguro que Piru exigió que las langostas estuvieran vivas porque disfruta de verlas morir acercándolas a su vagina. Sí, cualquier ser vivo que se acerque a menos de un metro de distancia de ese agujero nuclear, terminará con su existencia irremediablemente. Y tomando en cuenta las habilidades de actuación de esta golfa, sería justo que su única exigencia fuera un Duvalín a medio comer.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

10 Celebrity scams to avoid

Here’s a list of 10 celebrity scams that cybercriminals and hackers are using to hide malware and infect computers with malicious code. Make sure you avoid them!

Emma Stone
Cybercriminals have infected exploited searches that look for pictures of the Zombieland actress naked or use terms like ‘Emma Stone nude’. The pages actually contain rogueware and also prompt false warning messages to appear on the iPhone.

Emails promising an XXX-rated video of pop superstar Madonna actually contain a file that will infect your computer with a Trojan horse.

Britney Spears
A video of Britney Spears, supposedly naked, was being spread by email a couple of years ago. It was actually an attempt by hackers to get people to install malicious code on to their PCs.

Patrick Swayze
Following the Dirty Dancing star’s death, hackers exploited people searching for the news by using ‘SEO poisoning’ to push infected sites up the results list in search engines. The links actually sent people to infected sites.

Megan Fox
Comments on several YouTube videos that promised a link to a ’sex tape’ allegedly showing the Transformers star sent people to a site that asks you to fill in personal details and a survey.

Ashley Greene
Following naked images of the Twilight star being circulated, forum threads and search results were infected to take people to a compromised website that even recognised what operating system they were using so to give them the appropriate infection.

Angelina Jolie
A spam email claiming to provide a direct link to a nude video of Angelina Jolie infected PCs with spyware that steals usernames and passwords and sends to them to a remote location, where malware writers can retrieve them.

Serena Williams
After the tennis star’s outburst during her semi-final match with Kim Clijsters at the US Open, hackers used an SEO-based malware to infect searches for the video.

Stephen Gately
Cybercriminals are using news reports about the death of pop star Stephen Gately to hide malware. The malware warns that you have been infected and prompts you to install a product to remove it, which they ask you to pay for.

Paris Hilton
The heiress is another female celebrity whose name was used as bait in an online scam. Emails with subject lines such as Paris Hilton Free Video, which promised clips of the star naked, were being used to contaminate PCs with viruses.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

PETA critica a Paris Hilton por tener un cerdo en casa

Para aquellos que no estaban enterados, Piru Hilton compró este fin de semana un cerdo miniatura para tenerlo como mascota. Realmente no entiendo para qué quiere más cerdos, ¿no le será suficiente con los que se acuesta a cada rato?. Pero qué pregunta más estúpida, Piru no tiene sosiego en cuanto a cerdos se refiere. En fin, luego de que se dio a conocer esta noticia, la organización en pro de los derechos de los animales, PETA, se puso furiosa y envió un comunicado de prensa en el que dicen que Piru es un pésimo ejemplo en cuanto al trato de animales se refiere y que debe entender que las mascotas no son desechables, como los amigos o los novios.

Wow, se nota que PETA sabe lo que hace, porque ese comunicado seguro lo escribió una perra. Y me pregunto por qué hasta ahora salen a defender a los animales de los que Piru ha abusado, si desde hace años tiene una colonia de ladillas viviendo entre sus piernas, haciendo trabajos forzados y siendo violadasconstantemente. ¡Que alguien proteja a esas pobres criaturas!.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Celebrity Good Manners: 12 Great Celeb Tippers!

Here are some interesting stories about our favorite celebrities.  Good stories today, folks.  We have plenty of time to get to the jerks!

(BTW, celebrities in groups count as one.)

Reba McIntire:  This fine woman is an absolute pleasure. I waited on her during a stint in Nashville years ago. It took me a while to realize who she was, actually was clued in by fellow staff members. I have never met a more gracious and polite customer. Tipped me far more than I deserved. I will never forget her kindness.—Edward W., Knoxville, TN

Warren Sapp , Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Great guy and his wife is a doll. Loves his fine cognac, although we did not carry his $125/shot preference. Good tipper, and treats the server as a person. —Myles, Brandon, FL

Andre Agassi and Stephie Graf came into my restaurant for lunch. They were very polite, signing a few autographs, and Andre left a $100 bill on a $60 check.

—Anonymous, Washington D.C.

I work at CityWalk at Universal Studios. One busy night a woman with two small children had just been seated and I was totally in the weeds. I was preparing to walk up to the table when I heard a voice saying “Excuse me, we don’t have much time. Can you get our waiter?” I knew it was the woman from my section, so before I looked at her I started saying “I’m your waiter and I was on my way over!” in kind of a rude tone. While I’m saying this I look up into the eyes of Patricia Arquette. She said she was sorry and turned and walked back to the table. I was completely embarrassed and made her my priority and everything was great. I speeded her order through and she left me 25%. Very polite and used “please” and “thank you” at every visit I made to the table. Come back anytime, Patricia!

—Scott, Los Angeles

Oh no!  Scott, you broke the rules.  Here I am defending you and the entire hospitality industry in my book, You Suck When You’re Rude, and you verbally bitch slapped Patricia Arquette.  Auntie Seriously warns not to do that!  Tsk, tsk…

Morgan Freeman is one of the most respectful and complimentary diners I have had in my restaurant, a true gentleman. A good tipper as well. —Dave

I work in one of the better restaurants in a city famed for its food and service. I have waited on numerous celebrities, but the winners of the “most gracious and generous” award have got to be Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins. While filming “Dead Man Walking,” they ate at my restaurant quite often, and the staff uniformly rejoiced at their humor, tipping, lack of pretension, and just plain “niceness.”—Ken, New Orleans

Reba McEntire: Very friendly and very natural, doesn’t play “the star”. She used to come into therestaurant in sweatpants and tee-shirts, no make-up, and her hair up in a pony tail. A very sweet lady and a decent tipper. —Jeff H

Reba, again!?  Wow, that says alot!

You can add Terry “Hulk” Hogan to your “Saints” list. I tend bar at a Clearwater hot spot, and Terry and his family were in a few weeks ago. Not only did he leave $200 on a $120 bill (they were at a 4 top, not the bar), he signed autographs for at least a dozen kids and talked to people for a good half hour. VERY classy guy. —Beachguy, Clearwater, FL

Mike Tyson – Hands out $100 bills like they’re Kleenex.

Paris Hilton – Is said to always take care of wait staff and tip handsomely. She’s also generous with hairdressers, manicurists, valets and drivers.

Charlie Sheen – At his oldest daughter’s 16th birthday party tipped staff $200 each.

Richard Dreyfuss – Tipped 20% and helped server clean up mess left behind by his kids. He must be changing his ways after he was listed on some bad tipper lists.

Presidential Bonus: Barrack Obama – A recent TMZ item noted Obama tipped $18.00 on a $2.00 mug of beer.



Sunday, October 4, 2009

Paris Hilton: Sobrenatural

A patricinha mais amada e odiada do mundo, Paris Hilton, fará uma participação no seriado “Supernatural“. O seriado, que está em sua 5ª temporada, conta a história de dois irmãos que caçam fantasmas demônios e fenômenos sobrenaturais.

Supernatural é transmitido pelo SBT de segunda a sexta as 21:00 horas e pela CWtv na quinta-feira – Meia Noite.

O episódio em que Paris aparecerá se chama “Fallen Idols” e vai ao ar dia 08 de outubro pela CW. Veja a sinopse abaixo:

Sam (Jared Padalecki) e Dean (Jensen Ackles) decidem começar a caçar juntos novamente e seu primeiro caso leva-os a uma pequena cidade cujos habitantes estão sendo mortos pelos famosos ícones como Abraham Lincoln e pelo carro de James Dean. No entanto, após duas adolescentes afirmarem que seu amigo foi seqüestrado por Paris Hilton (em uma participação especial como ela mesma), os irmãos não tem mais a certeza do que eles estão caçando. Jim Conway dirigiu o episódio escrito por Julie Siege.

Vejam o trailler promocional:

Como diria a própria Paris, Hot!

Para download de todos os episódios, acessem a comunidade Supernatural/Sobrenatural no Orkut (lembrando que é preciso estar logado).

Leonardo Portela

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dumb & Dumber: "Rev." Ronald French

"Rev" Ronald French

Ronald French Exposed!

Finally people, somebody fatter and stupider than me (Grand Magister Blackwood; Temples of Satan).

Who is this guy anyways? Do I know him? Did I appoint him? Guess somebody forgot to tell him Satan made me the Leader of all of Satanism.

I’m going to attack him and expose him, like I do with everybody for you.

The following is taken from his Mysatan profile:

Hi everyone I am Rev.Ronald French. I am a minister with the ULC & ULCM.

Blackwood: Big deal, any illiterate moron with 10 dollars can print out a Universal Life Church certificate and be a “Reverend!”

I have been studying world religion since I was eight years old.

Blackwood: Ha! I’ve been studying world religion since I was 5 years old. That’s why I’m a Grand Magister, and what are you? Oh a UCL “reverend” LMAO!

I have been working on starting a church for quite some time actually just could not figure out what kind and how it will work as apart of society.

Blackwood: Been there, done that., …  That’s all me. I’ve been starting up churches and organizations since you were in diapers.

I met a lady who is getting married but had to ask another church to use their church and grounds for the ceremony. I asked where she goes to church and she told me it was held in a gym.

Blackwood: She can come to my house, I can give her a real workout! I’ve had many a womenfolk in my days who will vouch for the sex crazed animal that I am!

So I decided to formulate a universal church with chapels for faiths who wish to worship in a place they can call their own even if it is temporary or long term.

Blackwood: *Yawn* show me one person who is actually interested in your stupid idea.

I am currently studying the tax code for non profits and churches and to include material in how to start a church.

Blackwood: Just quit, I already have a church for Satanists.

This is my dream I will be sharing others in.

Blackwood: Silly pipe dreams of a fat kid.

Thanks for your time

Rev.Ronald French

I am working on creating a church for churches and a place for faiths.

filing my nonprofit corporation in Sept and following with 501c (3) application.

Blackwood: Been there, done that., check it out.

Folks this fat kid is in every satanic ning group there is, and in each on he posts the same posts and blogs about his wannabe church. In every case nobody responds, and most of the time the intellegent Satanists in these groups actually disrespect this joke.

Now, if Ronald French were a businessman with an idea and he came up to me or you to pitch his idea for an investment and said to you: “I got this idea for a universal church with me as the reverend. I joined all these satanic social network sites to test my idea, and I either get no responses, or people just trash me and my idea. So, do you want to invest?

I’d say: Fuck you!

Not only is this fat kid delusional, but he’s a little stuck up bitch. Just go read some of his posts over at Mysatan and observe the attitude he presents, and ask yourself: Is this the kind of reverend you want representing your faith? Do you really want to pay tithes to the likes of this guy?

Not only that, but he parades around some “kudos” Zeena LaVey supposedly sent to him on facebook? What kind of satanist is this fat kid anyways? He doesn’t know Zeena’s own son Stanton disowned her because she’s fucking crazy?!

This fat kid is a joke. His Chapel’s Ning site has 6 members!? I got thousand of members over at my site: Real Satanism, come check it out. Join us. We’re the fasted growing Satanic organization on Earth.

And who are those 6 members he has anyways? Retards… retards, just like him. This fat delusional kid surrounds himself with stupid retarded people just like him. What a fat joke this guy is.

Here’s another blog of his from Mysatan for you:

In about 20 NING groups I constantly advertise my universal church. I have allot who support the idea but lets get real . . . They will come when it is built. While I am finishing up with the bylaws , mission statement and tax stamp I am campaigning for Axis Sanctuary and Chapels.

How does this have to do with Satanism ? The main Sanctuary is set up similar to the UU and Unity. However, the difference is there are going to be several chapels for the various groups who wish to have a chapel. Chapel for Satan anyone?

Some dont feel a chapel or any building is necessary which is fine with me ( dont come ) but for the support I have been getting I have no worries for my detractors. they are fun like skipping rocks on a lake.

If you are to challenge me and want me to articulate what I write . . . . Perhaps you should do the same in your requests . But then again I dont do requests and you will have to take what I write for face value. But then again when you do criticize me who are you and why should I care? If you are against me that is fine so is the guy who lives in the dumpster when I through my trash on him…… does his opinion matter? To him perhaps..I am too busy to care.

Warm Regards
Ronald French

Blackwood: Last year interest in Satanism dropped 50%. The Temple of Set is dead. The Church of Satanism is dying. Not only does this fat kid’s idea suck, it’s completely unrealistic. Nobody in those 20 ning groups he is in gives two shits about him or his Church. Even if he ends up constructing a building, who the hell will be left in Satanism to join his organization?

Temples of Satan is the original and fastes growing satanic non-profit organization in the world. Join us.

Grand Magister Blacckwood (that’s me) is the only genuinely ordained Leader of Satanism in the world. Ordained by who? By Satan himself. I sacrificed a goat and rubbed it’s blood and ash all over my naked body and Satan came inside me and filled me with this presence. Satan annointed me on the head and face with his black magickal fluid and made me his Vicar and the only real Leader of Satanism. Just ask the History Channel!

The Temples of Satan is committed to exposing frauds and charlatans like this, and like LaVey, Crowley, Long, Aquino, and all those other people I haven’t named who are pseudo-satanist. Satan doesn’t recognize them! I fight for you!

Temples of Satan

Grand Magister Blackwood

Thursday, October 1, 2009

GOING OUT: Hard Candy One-Year Anniversary and G3 Soiree

What happens when two big, fabulous events collide? KABAAM! More fabulousness!

Hotel Nightclub and G3 Illustrated are joining forces to celebrate the one-year anniversary of Hard Candy, Hotel’s gay entertainment night aimed at the GLBTQ community and G3’s monthly soiree, which has had a steady following.

This event is going to be BIG. Why? Well, for one Onch Movement is going to be there, along with Stephen Hampton from MTV’s Paris Hilton’s My New BFF. And then DJ Syimone and the Ladykillers are also going to be DJing, so the music will be off the chain. Oh, and did I mention that the event has NO cover?

Bring your friends and dress to impress, red carpet style! If you want to reserve a table, call Daniel Cole at (502) 548.4082 or send him an email. This will surely be a gay night!

Tomorrow, October 1
8 PM – 4 AM

Hotel Nightclub
410 S. Fourth Street


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Megan Fox es la tarada de la semana

Bien, la votación ha sido cerrada (gracias por sus votos) y la ganadora del prestigiado título de la Tarada de la semana es Megan Fox gracias a sus estúpidas declaraciones acerca de que Britney la protege. Estoy seguro que Megan estará feliz por ganar por primera vez un título por su idiotez y no por su físico. Mientras tanto Piru Hilton, Amy Winehouse y Lily Allen quedaron en segundo, tercero y cuarto lugar, respectivamente. Es una lástima, realmente esperaba que Piru fuera la vencedora esta semana, espero que en alguna votación próxima (porque tengan por seguro que estará nominada muchas veces más) sea la indiscutible ganadora.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dr. Pistoph: Misbehavin’ Morons

I am convinced that our country would be a much better place if parents were to start spanking their kids again. Unfortunately kids are no longer afraid of their parents and as a result they grow up to be just plain rotten. There is a plethora of examples where young adults are misbehaving and might be acting differently if they’d been administered a daily beating while they were growing up.

Recent moronic moments include that of Kanye West who grabbed the microphone from Taylor Swift while she was being honored at the Video Music Awards. Some say he had been drinking prior to the event. Who cares what might have caused his lapse in judgment? He should get 15 lashes. Then there was tennis star Serena Williams who had a few choice words (mainly f-bombs) for a line judge at the U.S. Open. What a great role model for our children. She needs to be bent over her mother’s knee for ten good whacks with a wooden paddle.

Here are a few more. Singer Janet Jackson and her famous Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction; New York Giants football player Plaxico Burress carried a weapon into a nightclub and accidentally shot himself; Britney Spears – well, everything she does; Kiefer Sutherland was drunk in public; Dallas Cowboys Terrell Owens showed unbelievably self-centered play on the field; entertainer Chris Brown was found guilty of domestic violence against singer Rihanna; Amy Winehouse was a habitual user of drugs and alcohol; actress Tori Spelling refused to stop cursing in front of her kids; actress Paris Hilton made a pornographic video – I could go on forever.  

There’s no excuse for this level of narcissism and disrespect. Besides a lack of discipline by the parents of these whackjobs there is another reason that we are subjected to such boorish behavior. There are enablers among us. And you know who you are. After Kanye West’s crass display he appeared as regularly scheduled on the Jay Leno program. Leno should have cancelled his appearance. Instead he chose to chase the ratings. For that, Jay should be whipped with my dad’s belt on his bare legs. Fifty times should do it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

10 best celebrity engagement rings

In case you haven’t noticed yet, celebrities have the best engagement rings (I guess all that money has something to do with it). Check out our list of our favorite celebrity rings:

Katherine Heigl
The Grey’s Anatomy star has a unique pear-shaped stone surrounded by pave diamonds.

Jennifer Hudson
The Oscar-nominated singer/actress is known for her large voice, but she is also known for her large engagement ring. Her Neil Lane ring has a 5 carat center stone.

Princess Diana
Lady Diana revolutionized the sapphire engagement ring nearly a decade before it became trendy.

Jennifer Aniston
Brad Pitt teamed up with Damiani Jewelry to create this unique, swirly design.

Courtney Cox
This ring, which has two center stones instead of one, has a unique “figure 8″ design.

Carmen Electra
The former model caused a little bit of jewelry controversy with this unconventional black diamond engagement ring.

Paris Hilton
Although her engagement to Paris Latsis did not last, she did get to walk away with this huge 15 carat rock.

Mariah Carey
Nick Cannon proposed to the singer with this unique pink gold engagement ring. The ring is a unique design that only Mariah owns.

Jennifer Lopez
Her $6 million 6.1 carat rock given to her by then fiance Ben Affleck revolutionized pink diamond engagement rings.

Kara Dioguardi
The American Idol judge went with a champagne citrone stone instead of a diamond.

Engagement 101

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

If There Was a Video Game Version of Sucking Balls, it Would Be Called Halo.

About a million years ago I played Halo on the PC. It was one of the hugest pieces of shit of all time. It was repetitive, boring, had lame guns, had an idiotic story, and was about as generic as FPS games can get. I hated it so much that I refused to play Halo 2 or 3, despite the fact that fanboys around the world heralded them as the best things since sliced bread. Which is really saying a lot, since sliced bread is the best thing since sliced bread.

A few months back, three other friends and I got together and it was decided that we should play Halo 3 online. My friend has an Xbox 360 and a huge HD TV, and I was drunk, so I figured, “Sure, why the fuck not?” We played, and it was incredible. It was one of the most fun multiplayer experiences of my videogaming life. Don’t get me wrong, it was no Goldeneye 64, but it was a pretty solid experience nonetheless.

So, after months of playing Halo 3 online with my friends, I decided I would go back in time and play through the single player campaign of Halo 2, with the intent of then moving on to part three. After all, online play was so much fun that the developers must have fixed their mistakes from the previous games, right?

That was a huge mistake.

I found myself right back where I was a million years ago when I played through the first Halo. It royally sucked ass, and here are the reasons why:

  1. I played as a nameless, faceless, super strong and skilled space marine (a la Doom). The typical Halo fanboy says, “Ohhh, Master Chief is so unique and awesome, he is uber leet!!!” *cums in pants* Unfortunately, anyone who thinks Master Chief is anything but a generic genre trope is a fucking idiot.
  2. I was fighting hordes of generic, not to mention comically bad, aliens. I mean, are they supposed to be funny? Shouldn’t the villains make you a little bit nervous/excited/whatever? No, apparantely not. And don’t get me started on The Flood either. They are just as boring.
  3. The guns are weak and terrible. All the alien guns are huge pieces of shit. For example, the Brute Shot is this grenade launcher weapon that usually takes about six shots to kill something. Six grenades to kill something?! Are you fucking kidding me? I might as well throw diarrhea at the enemies, that would be just as powerful.
  4. The story was ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ *wakes up* “Huh? What? Oh, that’s the same thing as the first game.” ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ
  5. The levels are so fucking long. I mean Jesus Fucking TapDancing AssRaping Christ, they go on and on and on and on and on and on and on. I think the first level alone takes over an hour to play.
  6. It’s repetitive as fuck. Just like the problem with The Dark Knight, the developers thought that the old saying “less is more” doesn’t apply to them. By making all the levels as long and repetitive as possible, they would be sure to have a hit game on their hands. And, well, they were right. It is a hit game. Their strategy worked, just like it did for The Dark Knight. The only problem here is that people are idiots, and they like shit that is terrible. Which is why both Halo and The Dark Knight got such great reviews. Really, this is the thing I hate most about the single player version of all the Halo games. It is just hallway after gray concrete hallway of enemies standing around for you to kill them. It goes on forever with little to no variation. Sure, you get to drive a car once in  a while, but those moments come to few and far between to make this game worthwhile.

In a perfect world where people like things that are actually good, Halo would be remembered as nothing more than a footnote amongst all the other vapid, generic first person shooters. Unfortunately, this is not a perfect world. The world we live in is the same world where Twin Peaks got canceled, Paris Hilton is famous, people argue about whether Macs or PCs are better, and shitty video games are incredibly popular.

I suppose that multiplayer is the reason for Halo’s longevity. Because there is no fucking way that it is due to the single player. The developers must spend all their time making the online version fun (which is a hell of a lot of fun – just as long as you don’t get the fucking Brute Shot or any of those piece of shit guns that you have to charge up), and then the single player is just a stinky, bloody, disgusting afterbirth. That’s the only possible explanation for why it is so fucking bad.

This has nothing to do with Halo, that's why it rules.

Before you start flaming me about the content of this post, you really need to ask yourself, “Does the Halo single-player game have any redeeming qualities whatsoever?” If your answer is “yes,” then you should probably kill yourself. Or if you aren’t willing to do that, at least go play something good, like checkers or Scrabble. Those are games that will really give you an adrenaline rush, man.


Doom: Awesome

Goldeneye 64: Awesome

Evil Dead Ash/Jesus: Awesome

Halo: Shitty

Monday, September 21, 2009

Paris Hilton prepara su segundo disco

Uno sabe que el apocalipsis está cerca cuando una persona como Piru Hilton está dispuesta a someter al mundo al sufrimiento incontenible al atreverse a sacar un nuevo disco. Sí, al parecer un pedazo de estiércol en forma de CD no le fue suficiente a esta fulana porque según algunos reportes, desde hace un tiempo ya tiene grabado su segundo disco y ahora está buscando disquera para que lo saque, porque debido a que el anterior vendió muy poco, su compañía de ese tiempo (Warner) le metió una patada en el trasero y la corrió.

Me imagino que a consecuencia de la búsqueda de una nueva empresa que esté dispuesta a tirar su dinero en ella, con todas las juntas que ha tenido con ejecutivos, Piru ya no se quita las rodilleras, tiene la lengua llena de llagas y ya le es imposible sentarse. Y cuando alguien le preguntó hace tiempo de qué estilo era ese vómito auditivo, Piru dijo que era parecido a las canciones de Kylie Minogue. En una nota relacionada, Kylie Minogue fue vista de camino a Hollywood, con una navaja en la mano.


Red Carpet Worthy--

I am a firm believer of having one outfit that is red carpet worthy, granted I don’t have that outfit yet… but it’s on the “List”.  Some people have vision boards or dream boards.  I have a vision book, a lil scrapbook with filled with some quotes and pictures of where I know I will be.  Amazingly enough– many things have come true– as I knew they would.

Had you met me before the fire, you would hardly recognize me now.  This has nothing to do with physical scars, it has nothing to do with a few extra lbs, or the fact that my hair is a tad longer and I like to change the color often. 

I am much more empowered now, I have a vision and I know where I want to go and who I want to be.  I know that I will make a difference, because that’s what the lil voice in my head tells me now.  

We should all be red carpet worthy… does that mean that I want to be a celebrity… not exactly.  I just want to help change a few lives… make a lil bit of a difference… make tomorrow a better day!  am stuck with the phrase “tomorrow will thank you”, so that’s my working title. 

Tomorrow Will Thank You!

Action Step: Be Red Carpet Worthy!!! What would you wear? What would the journalists be asking you? Would you run from the photographers or pull a Madonna Vogue or Paris Hilton?  I don’t know about you… but Paris does know how to pose (I would so hire her modeling coach), and I’d let the spotlight shine Baby!! Scars and All — Here I am— Read My Book– 

That’s me on the Red Carpet — now I’m off to search for the outfit I want… I’ll insert that later

Friday, September 18, 2009

Linea Pelle Wants You To Live Like an A-Lister

Accessories designer Linea Pelle wants you to feel & look like a celebrity this Fall which is why they are hosting the LP ‘Be a Celebrity’ Match Game.

Head to to play the game and give your hand a chance at winning a daily prize of hot accessory items like bracelets or belts and also be entered for a chance to win $3,000!

No purchase is necessary so you’ve got nothing to lose! Plus, Linea Pelle is sported by celebs like Lauren Conrad, Jessica Simpson, Rihanna and Megan Fox so if you win, you’ll be amidst good company, we’d say!

Con Bikemi cresce la mobilità su due ruote

Image by fabiux via Flickr

In sella il 5% dei milanesi. L’assessore Croci ha presentato la rassegna di video realizzati dagli studenti del Politecnico per promuovere la diffusione della bici in città. Tra i dati forniti sugli investimenti in corso e pianificati: 15.6 mln di euro per itinerari del centro storico, 6.5 mln per la ciclabilità diffusa e 5 mln per il primo raggio verde.

Milano, 17 settembre 2009 – Nell’ambito degli eventi organizzati per la Settimana Europea della Mobilità sostenibile, il Comune di Milano ha presentato “Milano a ruota libera – Promuovere la cultura della bicicletta”, rassegna di video sul tema della bici a Milano, realizzati dagli studenti della Facoltà del Design del Politecnico.[...]

Video dell’iniziativa

Di seguito tutti i video del concorso “Milano a ruota libera – Promuovere la cultura della bicicletta“

Video realizzati dagli studenti della Facoltà del Design del Politecnico di Milano sul tema “la bici a Milano”:

* in collaborazione con Politecnico di Milano




PacBike 1

PacBike 2







DrinDrin 1

DrinDrin 2

DrinDrin 3

DrinDrin 4

Da Comune di Milano la notizia qui…

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vad faan!!

*Arg IGEN*

Vad är det för jävla fel på folk??

Läs denna artikel: Sextorterad

(öppnas fortf. inte i nytt fönster)


Jag blir så less då jag läser detta.. Fattar ni bakgrunden, hon tar sig från sitt land, rädd och orolig, men med hopp om ett nytt liv, kanske har barn hemma och föräldrar som längtar..

Så kommer hon hit och får ta den där skiten av någon jävla red neck bonde som inte fick nog av att googla porr och beställde en fru istället.

Fan, ger upp..

Take care // zajko

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Foto tratta dal sito : Tvblog

E’ vero che la serata inaugurale di “Miss Italia 2009” era dedicata alla  figura di Mike Bongiorno, ma nessuno avrebbe mai pensato che l’impeccabile Milly Carlucci, potesse rendere omaggio al re del quiz, realizzando una così grossa gaffe, come eleggere per sbaglio una miss, al posto di un’altra. Ma andiamo per ordine. La serata sembra scorrere piuttosto bene, con una scenografia ricercata, una grafica moderna e un ritmo piuttosto accettabile. Anche il battibecco tra la conduttrice ed un suo ologramma, spacciato per la quarta sorella Carlucci, sembrano promettere un’edizione diversa, dal solito stantìo cerimoniale. Con il passare del tempo però, la formula  della sfilata delle ragazze, puntualmente giudicate dalla giuria composta da Rita Rusic, Claudio Cecchetto, Sergio Assisi, Ricky Tognazzi e Guillermo Mariotto, inizia ad essere  decisamente ripetitiva. I voti dati alle ragazze, inspiegabilmente calano,   i 7, gli 8 e in alcuni casi i 10, lasciano sempre più spesso spazio ai 5 ai 6 e addirittura ai 3, scatenando a notte fonda le ire della Patron Patrizia Mirigliani. A mezzanotte e mezza, orario previsto in scaletta, per l’incoronazione di Miss moda, da parte della super ospite Paris Hilton, la gara è ancora in alto mare. La ricca ereditiera, alla quale vanno in tasca ben 70.000 euro, di soldi pubblici, ritiene non opportuno trattenersi oltre gli orari previsti dal contratto, e decide di lasciare senza troppi problemi il palazzetto dello sport.

Milly Carlucci, si rende conto, che i tempi televisivi sono completamente sfasati, rispetto alle esigenze della rete, ed inizia per quanto possibile a velocizzare la conduzione, ma i troppi filmati, dalla durata esagerata, complicano non poco l’impresa. La  fretta si sa, è poi una cattiva consigliera, e la Carlucci per un paio di volte, sbaglia i nomi di alcune ragazze e la loro relativa permanenza nel concorso. Il fattaccio arriva però in finale di trasmissione; Sono quasi le due del mattino, il Tg1 della notte, previsto per  mezzanotte e mezza, è ancora in attesa di andare in onda, e probabili lamentele da parte della testata giornalistica, fanno scusare in diretta la Carlucci. Le telecamere, si vedono bene dall’inquadrare  il patron Enzo Mirigliani, ormai stravolto, come del resto tutto il pubblico, che ha ormai smesso di applaudire da tempo, e che, con tutta probabilità ha in buona parte abbandonato il palazzetto. Arriva il fatidico momento, di eleggere miss moda 2009, alla quale va un ricco e sostanzioso contratto. La busta arriva in ritardo, il vestito della Carlucci cede, ed il trucco inizia a mostrare qualche imperfezione, ma Milly è ancora in pista; Termine che usa più volte lei stessa, forse convinta di stare ancora a “Ballando con le stelle”.Del resto, tra ospiti, giuria, voti e musichette riarrangiate, il clima è piuttosto simile. Ma arriviamo all’elezione della fortunata ragazza. A vincere il titolo di miss moda 2009 è Mirella Sessa . A premiazione avvenuta, con Patrizia Mirigliani, nelle vesti di Paris Hilton, ormai in volo verso casa, gli autori fanno notare a Milly Carlucci, di essersi sbagliata e di aver letto al contrario la classifica. Milly stremata, non ci sta, a far la figura della cretina, e senza mezzi termini, accusa gli autori, di aver scritto i dati in maniera poco chiara. La stanchezza e la terribile gaffe, fanno innervosire non poco la conduttrice, che scusandosi con la ragazza eletta, continua a sparare critiche feroci  al gruppo di lavoro. Le 4 finaliste, vengono fatte riposizionare al centro del palco, è finalmente si viene a scoprire, che la vera Miss moda 2009 è Federica Sperlinga. Nel caos più totale, l’inviperita, ma pur sempre educata conduttrice saluta il pubblico, e da la linea al Tg1, dove la giornalista Francesca Grimaldi, non fa nulla per nascondere il suo disappunto, per il mega  ritardo di un’ora e mezza nella messa in onda.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Ingin jadi Paris Hilton!!

Mendadak saya menemukan kalimat yang tepat dengan keadaan saya saat ini : “Saya ingin jadi Paris Hilton sehari aja..”

Weits.. Kali ini bukan karena bisa punya pacar gampang atau karena doi kaya beraaat. Yah, walaupun kalo bisa dimudahkan cepet dapet pacar dan ngga perlu pusing dengan kalimat putus (ya iyalah.. Yang ngantri banyak gila) atau bisa hidup tanpa perlu mikirin duit karena tinggal merem udah bisa beli new york beserta isi-isinya.

Jadi karena apa dong? Dan kenapa cuma sehari? Kan rugi kalo cuma sehari..

Satu hal lagi kelebihan doi : “bisa pergi ke 10 party dalam 1 malam!” What a Paris!

Dan saya mau seperti dia. Bedanya, bukan party seperti party-nya Paris tapi bukber. Ya abiiis.. Besok banyak gila undangan bukber. Oke.. Bukber SMP, SMA, anak – anak Rodhe, sampe di rumah Nae ada bbq-an. Huks… Kalo ditotal ada 6 acara bukber! Huidiiiih.. Saya hits bener ya? Hwahahaha..

What a day!

Saya tidak berniat melanjutkan sampe keesokan hari menjadi Paris Hilton. Pertama, terlalu sering bersenang – senang bisa lupa daratan. Kedua, kalo iya jatah jadi Paris Hilton bisa sama keadaan uangnya. Kalau nggak? Ranca bana.. Habislah uang awak ini! Macam mana nanti mau makan ha?


Saya : “Oh Jin lampu ajaib.. Kabulkan sisa permintaanku menjadi Paris Hilton please.. ” Sambil ngelus – ngelus lampu ajaib.

“Maaf.. Si Mas Jin sedang asyik main dengan para jin lain di neraka selama bulan Ramadhan. Cobalah beberapa hari lagi setelah Ramadhan.”

“Waaaks.. Lampu ajaibnya bisa ngomong..”

“Menurut lo?”

“Kirain bisu dari kemaren.. Hehe.. Oia, lampu ajaib.. Saya lupa kalo ini bulan puasa. Yah gagal dong saya jadi Paris Hilton?”

“Get real man!”

“Waaaks.. Lampu ajaib bisa bahasa inggris!”

Pamulang, 11 September 2009

(Ihiy.. Ini publish perdana dari BB)


Friday, September 4, 2009

Rn AWARD of 08

It’s the time of the year were all the awards are flying all over the place and Hollywood and Pinewood is celebrating its achievements (man they are vain, giving awards to themselves) any way I thought we should forget the forgotten. So WELLCOME TO THE 1ST Rn AWARDS FOR THE RARE AND NOBLE.

I can’t believe she is still here award goes to…

Who else but Britney Spears. (Yeah I know she’s not forgotten but how can you forget her when its breaking news that pauses normal BBC programs to show Britney through the supermarket while she buys half a bag of frozen peas) Ms Spears deserves this Rn award because of her hard work and determination to succeed. Even when she is at the bottom of the bottom less pit she found courage and hope to hope her self and climb back to the top (oh that how she lost the pounds). But this characteristic of a “ring leader” who “calls the shorts” and doesn’t “like the back seat. Gotta be first” and not being the type of people that “observe” defiantly deserves “all eyes on her in the centre of the rings.” Lets face it people we could never do it. There just something about her that makes us all wants a “peace of her”. For that Britney spears you are truly Rare and noble.

Best entertainer of 08 is …

Well are so many (I personally think it should be me). Tina Fay, Barack Obama all were so good at making us laugh this year but the Rn best entertainer goes to is Paris Hilton. She gets by solute for her amazing new line of hair extensions ;~). Well done lady. Who else in the world could start a line of extensions and actually have people take her salubriously. But what really snatched it from Tine Fay and her impression of Sarah Pailan was her promotion videos for the presidency. (Watch it on Its hilarious. Well America has accomplishes a mile stone with a black president I wonder if they can have a bikini wearing spoiled brat running their country. It could happen after all it is America. Just image how the world would be with Paris Hilton ruling it.

The worst man in the world award goes to…

It’s not everyday someone gets a award for being totally awful well I don’t forget them. So theRn award for worst man in the world goes to without a doubt to Gorge Bush (<-I cant write W in the middle as its been taken out LOL). Sorry Bush Junior after 8 years in power I must say the only one thing you have achieved is the hatred of every single people around the world (expect for your trusted few. But I bet they really hate you inside) Before Bush’s rain the world was a better place: no depression, no war, no ridiculous inflation, and no genocide. After he came well it all started with 911 (not Porsche 911. I wish) so called terrorist attack on the twin tower and the pentagon. We all know it was framed by the COMPANY to get more oil. And sadly they did a bad job of the cover up cause there are just too many… to prove that it was more than plains crashing buildings. But that another story. So Bush takes that as an excuse to go to war. What I don’t get is if Bin Laden bombed Americawhy he attacked Iraq instead of Saudi Arab (where bin Laden is from) or Afghanistan(where Laden is supposedly hiding) and how id it go from defending the world against terrorism to war against Suddam Hussain? Oh where’s the answer to is where are those mass bombs? And Dr David Kelly death just before he was going to say weather or not there was actually any mass bombs? Yeah you can see that Bush’s departure is filled with answered question. I wonder if one day when he is old and frail the guild of so many peoples blood on his and would catch up with him and he will come out with the truth.(hhmm)oh and then the global recession don’t quite know how he is to blame there but sorry buddy you gota take the blame after all you were worlds most powerful man.

Hay let give him some credit how else could have made so many people hate him so much. Ow in this world could order genocide, justify it with lies and sit back and watch millions die because of him. (I would swear but there is no water shed in the internet) but guess what Bush you came to a better world promising so much better but leave us so much worser. For that Gorge Bush you truly are Rare and NOT noble.


22nd Most Favorite Thing About the State Fair of Texas: Funnel Cake

“Classic” is a term usually reserved for persons or things sharing an almost ineffable quality that combines timelessness, simplicity, grace, and durability of form. These things can always be found exactly where you expect them to be, and will always be the way you remember them being one year ago, ten years ago, and the first time you encountered them. Familiar and comforting, classics wait for you like old friends, standing immobile while dizzying change moves us inexorably forward. Classics are, in a word, perfect, and remain that way.

So much of the annual excitement leading up to the State Fair each year centers around the “new” — new fried food, new cars in the auto show, new rides on the Thillway, new entertainment featuring animals doing strange tricks — that I thought it would be lovely, here at number 22, to take a breath and pay tribute to a grand old favorite. A State Fair classic — the Funnel Cake.

This delicious dessert may indeed be one of the least complicated fair foods you can find. It consists, literally, of a plate of fried batter. That’s it. No special spices. No barbequed Hostess snack cakes. No melted candy bars or crushed up cookies or marshmallow garnish or dollops of icing.

Just. Fried. Batter.

To be clear, you ARE encouraged to add powdered sugar or fruit compote* to your plate of fry, but I think we can all agree that this dessert appears to be exceedingly unsophisticated when compared to everything else on offer at the Fair. It’s Jimmy Stewart in a roomful of Paris Hiltons — it may not be the most exciting or flashy thing we can find, but we’re sure about its high quality and unsullied reputation, and we don’t have to worry about it doing anything we didn’t expect.

I’m convinced that this is the very best funnel cake picture of all time (and was actually taken by yours truly!). Dan and David are two favorite State Fair friends, and in this picture, they look like they are eating purloined funnel cake — their wide eyes seem to say, “O no! We’ve been caught in the act of scarfing illicit bits of sugar and fry! Shall we make a run for it?”

A couple of notes about the Funnel Cake:

  • Fried batter takes up LOTS of room in the stomach. Plan accordingly.
  • Fried batter might just be a GENIUS chaser for Frito Pie. (I think I just had a lightbulb moment.)
  • In my opinion, the best funnel cake topping is lots and lots of powdered sugar. Make sure to get as much sugar as possible, because my second favorite thing to do with powdered sugar on funnel cake is take a deep breath and blow it in the face of whichever unsuspecting State Fair travel companion happens to be in my immediate vicinity. Yes, I have been playing the same trick since the age of 5, but I still find it to be highly amusing.

There you have it. A State Fair classic. Delicious, and not to be missed.

*Bleh, does anyone else hate the word “compote”? It’s a terrible name for something yummy – fruit and sugar slurry (which is also not a good name, I know). Seriously, though, doesn’t “compote” sound like something that should come out of the medicine cabinet and be applied directly to jellyfish stings? Help! Who has a better word for “compote”?


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Paris Hilton: La Socialite no Logra Acuerdo con Empresa de Regalos

La socialité aún no resuelve una demanda que interpuso contra una compañía que usó su imagen sin su autorización

Una corte federal de apelaciones estadounidense dictaminó que la socialité Paris Hilton podrá seguir adelante con la demanda que interpuso contra una empresa de tarjetas de regalo que utilizó de manera indebida tanto su imagen como su conocida frase “That’s hot”.

El problema se suscitó hace dos años, cuando la compañía Hallmark Cards sacó a la venta una postal de cumpleaños en la que aparece el rostro de Hilton sobrepuesto en la caricatura de una mesera que trabaja en un restaurante y sirve un plato caliente a un comensal.

La camarera le dice: “No toque eso, está caliente”, y el cliente pregunta: “¨Qué está caliente?”, a lo que ella responde: “Eso está caliente”, en referencia a la temperatura del plato; en el interior de la tarjeta se lee: “Que tengas un súper feliz cumpleaños” (”Have a smokin’ hot birthday”).

Hilton argumentó que la empresa había violado su privacidad y derechos de publicidad al robar una escena de su reality show The simple life para la tarjeta que se titula “El primer día de Paris como camarera”.

En su defensa, la firma declaró en un comunicado oficial que se trataba de una serie satírica que parodia a celebridades y a políticos, para lo cual posee derechos.

Sin embargo, un panel de tres jueces del noveno circuito de la corte de apelaciones rechazó el argumento de Hallmark, que había señalado que la representación de la heredera de los hoteles Hilton estaba protegida por la ley.

También destacó las diferencias con el “show” de televisión, incluido que el cuerpo de la caricatura era el de otra mujer y no el de Hilton; no obstante, el juez Diarmuid O’Scannlain señaló: “La ambientación básica es la misma: vemos a Paris Hilton, nacida con privilegios, trabajando como mesera”.

Paris interpuso una demanda por unos 500 mil dólares por uso fraudulento de su imagen.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Doug & Paris Back Together Like they Never Broke Up

Gossip Girls/GinsburgSpaly

We haven’t seen these two in a while (thankfully!).  They gave us a much needed Doug-Paris breather, beginning with their break up, and continuing into their reconicilation.  When the couple first publicly reunited at LAX on their way to Fiji, they played coy with the cameras, and Paris walked way in front of Doug.

Now, the couple is very much so back on-again, publicly.  And they’re still the same- Paris is as pink and “barbie-ish” as ever, while Doug is and looks too boring (even for theHills) but is still great arm candy.

They ventured to Vegas this weekend, and last night, they attended Rogue for a “DJ Hero” party.  Oddly enough, the party comes just days after the passing of famed DJ AM, who was formerly engaged to Paris’ BFF Nicole Richie.  Paris was spotted posing with new video game hardware, designed in part by AM.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Posh Spice & Paris Hilton in love

To be or not to be?! …

I mean – what is the main difference between Mrs Posh Backham and Miss Paris Hilton? Let’s look closely…

1) They both know nothing about politics. And especially don’t know who is exactly a president or prime minister of thier country. At least, how to write his surname .

2) Great, passionate interest in the question ‘how to look fashionable’ (with essential luck of thier own style or beautiful charm).

3) Extremely short skirts + high heels. I mean, when you go to a party, probably, to get a very pretty guy on this night… and when you think about the question ‘how to entertain him without any college degree diploma?’ (remember, your marks in your college diploma everytime look very funny and ugly)… you, instead, show him your bare legs. Anyway… don’t tell your parents, especially, if they are noble ones…

Posh Spise - could she wears something not so trivial as short skirts + high heels ?!

4) They both have very noble parents ( hmmm… noble parents never really interested in the question: how good thier child would, probable, be when they grow up).

When I'm looking on Paris a have some ideas why she can't complete her school/college degree

5) And, finally, plenty amount of free time for this two girls… Definitely, they don’t have any good full-time job (being a silly women isn’t a job – you couldn’t earn any salary for this). Basically with the luck of full time job Paris&Posh have a lot of free time to read all amount of yellow press and to discuss (seriously) all amount of non-serious, crazy, funny articles regularly published about them.

So… the question is: Why Paris Hilton looks more ugly&silly then Posh Spice??!

I guess, the answer is – Just because Paris doesn’t married yet and yet doesn’t have three little children and one husband with a good job…

And after Posh Spice & Paris Hilton you are talking about feminism… lol… )))))


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Celebrities--The Royalty of America

Most Americans scoff at the pagentry and pomp and circumstance afforded the royalty in countries such as Britain, but those same people may find themselves weeping at the sight of Britney Spears or Paris Hilton.  Most people cannot name the country’s attorney general, but they can probably give you the name of Britney’s two kids at the sight of Jay Leno walking up to them on the street.  People I know, grown men, were talking about the circumstances behind Paris Hilton’s latest incident, but they couldn’t tell you who Tom Daschle was.  Who cares right?  Daschle’s an idiot right?  Does anyone know what Lieberman recently said on John King’s State of the Union program on CNN?  How about the circumstances behind Chris Brown beating Rihanna?

I remember when Princess Diana died.  I remember how the people lined the streets to watch the funeral procession pass them by.  The people were devastated.  I’ll never forget a man taking his shaken wife into his arms.  He was just as shaken as she, but he was trying to maintain himself to be strong for her.  I couldn’t understand this near spiritual attachment these people had to a person who hadn’t really done anything in her life.  She was good looking, she married well, then she died.  In between, she was uncermoniously cast out of the royal family.  In between, she had a personal campaign against land mines.  No one is for land mines, they’re a necessary evil, and this purpose is abused by third world ditators who wouldn’t have listened to her anyway.  So, the campaign was largely a symbolic, feel good campaign set forth to probably put something on her resume for nay sayers like me.  What is she wasn’t good looking?  What if she hadn’t exuded strong sex appeal.  She died a symbolic figurehead who was mourned symbolically by those who felt symbolically attached to her.

I could say the same thing about Michael Jackson, but Jackson did some things.  Jackson did the We are the World thing.  Jackson actually brought people together on a basis that was more than symbolic.  Still, the mourning was almost as silly.  We could’ve mourned the fact that he would no longer grace us with his incredible music, but he stopped putting out incredible music ten years previous to his death.

A friend of mine loved John Ritter.  I loved Ritter.  I thought the guy was hilarious.  When he died, she called me.  I said: “Oh shoot, that bites.”  She was a broken woman.  She picked her daughter up from school that day and told her, “because I wanted you to hear it from me before you heard it from anyone else.” 

The Romans had a clever term for this, it was bread and circuses.  As long as the bread gets delivered to the people, and the circuses are performed on time, the people will not get angry over the failures of government.  They will not rise in anger over the deceit and fraud of government; they will not revolt against tyrannical rule.  They will laugh and pat their full tummies and praise the name of the latest Caesar that has provided for them.  A less cutesy term for this idea is diversion.  Give the people a suitable diversion, and they will incidentally allow you to reap their harvest for the “betterment of mankind,” because they don’t follow politics.


Check out Gypsy05.Com - Silk Maxi Dress

Lauren Conrad

Check out offial website! This Californian brand have been making summery clothes and have been spotted on many many celebs in the summer, their celeb lists is endless: Lauren Conrad and Audrina from the Hills, Paris and Nicky Hilton, Miley Cyrus, Tori Spelling………………………!

Gypsy05is more than an artistic statement; it is an expression that stands to make a difference in the world. “good planets are hard to find” is the motto that began Gypsy05’s exploration to fight against environmental exploitation. Through the art of fashion, Gypsy05 aims to communicate that the beauty of nature is a marvel. Gypsy’s one of a kind designs incorporate organic fabrics, low impact dyes, and water based printing in every collection as part of our mission in environmental awareness. The vibrant use of colors, airy fabrics, and simplistic silhouettes also truly express our nature inspired theme.

Our story suggests the importance of smelling the roses rather than picking them; of getting inspired by the beauty of the vast ocean rather than polluting it. The message is to Recycle, Reduce, Re-planet and feel naturally confident and free while living environmentally friendly.

Get your Gypsy05 maxi dress now!!!!!


Monday, August 24, 2009

OMG! Fun "Toy" to Play With!

This is from (check the rest of the site out too…lots to read…if you are into superficial/shallow beauty crap! LOL)…

Just played with this fun little widget thingy more than a few minutes. You can upload you picture (hair pulled back) and then manipulate the image with stuff like:

lip augmentation

nose job


eyebrow lift

weight reduction(!)

And more!

My only complaint is the nose job option just narrowed my schnoz…it left the pointy tip…usually my nose looks like the Owen Wilson penis nose thing from that SNL skit…after this ‘makeover’ it looked more like Paris Hilton’s nose. Thinking Owen Wilson is better overall, right?!

Go! Enjoy!

Shit. The ‘too much time on her hands’ thing is showing again, isn’t it?

Click here:
