Friday, September 4, 2009

Rn AWARD of 08

It’s the time of the year were all the awards are flying all over the place and Hollywood and Pinewood is celebrating its achievements (man they are vain, giving awards to themselves) any way I thought we should forget the forgotten. So WELLCOME TO THE 1ST Rn AWARDS FOR THE RARE AND NOBLE.

I can’t believe she is still here award goes to…

Who else but Britney Spears. (Yeah I know she’s not forgotten but how can you forget her when its breaking news that pauses normal BBC programs to show Britney through the supermarket while she buys half a bag of frozen peas) Ms Spears deserves this Rn award because of her hard work and determination to succeed. Even when she is at the bottom of the bottom less pit she found courage and hope to hope her self and climb back to the top (oh that how she lost the pounds). But this characteristic of a “ring leader” who “calls the shorts” and doesn’t “like the back seat. Gotta be first” and not being the type of people that “observe” defiantly deserves “all eyes on her in the centre of the rings.” Lets face it people we could never do it. There just something about her that makes us all wants a “peace of her”. For that Britney spears you are truly Rare and noble.

Best entertainer of 08 is …

Well are so many (I personally think it should be me). Tina Fay, Barack Obama all were so good at making us laugh this year but the Rn best entertainer goes to is Paris Hilton. She gets by solute for her amazing new line of hair extensions ;~). Well done lady. Who else in the world could start a line of extensions and actually have people take her salubriously. But what really snatched it from Tine Fay and her impression of Sarah Pailan was her promotion videos for the presidency. (Watch it on Its hilarious. Well America has accomplishes a mile stone with a black president I wonder if they can have a bikini wearing spoiled brat running their country. It could happen after all it is America. Just image how the world would be with Paris Hilton ruling it.

The worst man in the world award goes to…

It’s not everyday someone gets a award for being totally awful well I don’t forget them. So theRn award for worst man in the world goes to without a doubt to Gorge Bush (<-I cant write W in the middle as its been taken out LOL). Sorry Bush Junior after 8 years in power I must say the only one thing you have achieved is the hatred of every single people around the world (expect for your trusted few. But I bet they really hate you inside) Before Bush’s rain the world was a better place: no depression, no war, no ridiculous inflation, and no genocide. After he came well it all started with 911 (not Porsche 911. I wish) so called terrorist attack on the twin tower and the pentagon. We all know it was framed by the COMPANY to get more oil. And sadly they did a bad job of the cover up cause there are just too many… to prove that it was more than plains crashing buildings. But that another story. So Bush takes that as an excuse to go to war. What I don’t get is if Bin Laden bombed Americawhy he attacked Iraq instead of Saudi Arab (where bin Laden is from) or Afghanistan(where Laden is supposedly hiding) and how id it go from defending the world against terrorism to war against Suddam Hussain? Oh where’s the answer to is where are those mass bombs? And Dr David Kelly death just before he was going to say weather or not there was actually any mass bombs? Yeah you can see that Bush’s departure is filled with answered question. I wonder if one day when he is old and frail the guild of so many peoples blood on his and would catch up with him and he will come out with the truth.(hhmm)oh and then the global recession don’t quite know how he is to blame there but sorry buddy you gota take the blame after all you were worlds most powerful man.

Hay let give him some credit how else could have made so many people hate him so much. Ow in this world could order genocide, justify it with lies and sit back and watch millions die because of him. (I would swear but there is no water shed in the internet) but guess what Bush you came to a better world promising so much better but leave us so much worser. For that Gorge Bush you truly are Rare and NOT noble.


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